Chapter 19

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Mari's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. It was Dia... she was definitely the mother of the group always checking in on us making sure we're not dead.

Which I mean is fine, it's just she always comes in at the wrong times.

Like now for example, I'm still sleeping in, wait have we ever actually used his name before? I'm pretty sure since day one his nickname has been pervert... 

Anyways I was still sleeping in pervert's bed when Dia comes busting in. I'm still half asleep during all of this.

It's like I'm partly still in my dream and partly in the real world.

Part of me was in a dream where Kanan gave me a hagu shiyou. Then there was the other side where Dia was asking me what happened.

I responded with something dumb I don't remember I think it was like, "That was a good hagu shiyou." Or something along those lines.

Anyways enough being said after we sorted everything out I remembered what day it was today. Halloween! Yep the one day I can go around scaring everyone and not having to say "It's joke!" every time.

Not that I do that when it's not Halloween... Anyways we have a yearly tradition that each year gets to decide who plans the activities for each holiday.

First years get Halloween this year, second years are on Thanksgiving duty, and we're (the third years) on Christmas duty.

Anyways, pervert made scrambled eggs and toast... he burned the toast and there was a trace of shell in the eggs...

He laughed to himself, "Nice! I didn't have that much shell this time!" This guy has to be joking... how's this guy gonna survive by himself?

Anyways after breakfast he told me that he sent me a text.

"Why did you send a text when I'm literally right here?" I said in confusion.

"You're apparently supposed to go to this address at five o'clock tonight..." He answered before going into the kitchen to do the dishes.


"I don't know, I think the first years said so..." He had a hint of a grin in his voice.

The kitchen sink turned on, ugh this guy was being ridiculous. Watch this be a robbery of some sort. I'm about to get kidnapped or even worse I'll be-

"No you're not gonna get kidnapped or..." Pervert called out from the kitchen.

"How do you know?" 

"Because the first years set it up okay?" He said.

That question pretty much bothered me the entire day. But lo and behold five o'clock came around and I went to this address to see what was happening.

"Whoever you are come out!" I yelled, there was no one there. Pervert definitely just tricked me... 

Then I heard a sound to the left of me. There stood a shadowy figure. "Mari." It called out to me.

"Kanan?" I said confused. I was really happy at first but then I remembered I'm supposed to be mad. "What do you want?" I asked stubbornly I just want this to be over with... maybe I'll submit first...

(M/C's POV)

"Ow!" I said in the bushes behind where Kanan and Mari were. "Who's poking me?" 

"There's eight of us in here, how can you tell who's who you idiot!" A voice, I think it was You's, told me.

"Shut up!" I think Dia said.

We were currently bunched up watching Kanan and Mari seeing what was going to happen. Maybe they were finally done being mad at each other.

"Can I have a snack zura?" Okay that was Hanamaru...

"No, we have to be quiet!" I'm pretty sure that was Riko.

Mari walked over to Kanan. "What are they saying?" Chika asked.

"I'll ask one of my little demons to eavesdrop on their conversation!" Yoshiko claimed.

"Shut up zura I can't hear!" 

Kanan took out her phone, and pressed a button. We heard some piano and someone singing.

"Is that Mari singing?" You asked.

"Who's playing piano?" Ruby questioned.

Mari looked at Kanan in shock, then she quickly took out her phone and texted madly. My phone buzzed... Everyone looked at me.

"It was you wasn't it?" Dia asked.

I grinned sheepishly, "I thought it'd be pretty funny..."

Okay maybe Mari was mad, but she's about to be madder when she sees the next video I sent to Kanan...

"Hagu shiyou... Kanan hagu shiyou..." we could hear Mari's voice through Kanan's phone.

Everyone looked at me again, at least I think they did, I was trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm not even going to ask how you got that..." Riko sighed.

"Shut up they're saying something!" You said.

"Kanan I-" Mari was cut off by Kanan holding out her arms.

"You want one?" she asked.

"I-I-" Mari started but didn't respond because Kanan hugged her.

Beside me there were plenty of hagu shiyou's being handed around... Chika, You, Riko, Ruby, Hanamaru, Dia, even Yohane...

They looked at me. "I'm not really the hugging type person..." I said putting my hands up.

"We'll just have to make you into one..." Mari said behind me. Oh gosh... "Also... WHY WERE YOU RECORDING ME IN MY SLEEP?!?!?!?!"

Yep that one was coming... "For punishment you have to hug each of us..." she smiled evilly.

"Oh wow look at the time looks like we have to go back home and change into our costumes now." I said before taking off.

"After him!" they yelled behind me.

These nine were definitely a pain, but if I'm being honest... that's not a bad thing...

Alright today's Halloween which means there should be a Halloween chapter right now... but this chapter came first because I'm stupid.

I think the Halloween chapter will be up tomorrow cause I'm gonna do homework all of today. Anyways thanks for reading!

Also let me know who you guys want to see end up with the MC first!

Love Live!! If Three's A Crowd, Nine's A Multitude!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن