Chapter 42

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Kanan's POV

Christmas day. Normally a time where there were smiles all around. A day where everyone laughed and relaxed. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Mainly because there's a longer break from school than Thanksgiving. 

But it's also the day that we tend to show our appreciation for each other. Mainly through the giving of gifts. Unfortunately this was not a normal year. I woke up this morning forgetting about the antics of last night.

I threw on some clothes and came downstairs, hoping to see everyone smiling. They were not...

The mom's were in the kitchen, the second years were asleep, and Dia and Mari were avoiding eye contact with the first years. This day was already going to be tough.

I leaned on Mari's shoulder, "Are we gonna give presents?" I asked closing my eyes.

"I'm not sure this is the right time to do so." Dia said a little unsure.

"I don't think they're in the gift giving spirit..." Mari agreed.

I sighed, honestly who can blame them? I guess we did "betray" them. But if you look at it from our perspective, then you can understand why we did it.

About three weeks ago we overheard our mom's talking. In their conversation we heard them discussing what would happen next. They discovered that we were listening and invited us into the room. By then they explained that the first and second years would be going to a new school.

"They're not going to like that." Dia shook her head.

"It's not final yet, but we're going to keep it a secret until it does become final." Mari's mom explained.

The three of us nodded, this was for the best. Their future would be better. Would they be mad? Naturally. Would they ever get over it? Of course they will.

And if the problem is Shizuko then we'll convince him not to speak to them after they leave. When's the last time you've talked to someone in high school? 

Then we'll just hit them with the, "If life really wants you guys to be together then you'll meet again anyways." See, no harm no foul. 

We had breakfast and then waited to see if anyone was going to give a present. It was a standoff, the second and first years staring directly at us, and the third years and I stared in any direction that was not at them. 

By each minute the stares became even more intense. The mom's just watched us. Which made it even more awkward... If they left I'm sure this living room would become a battle field. Who knows if we'd survive the wrath of these guys...

The adults of this household could really give three craps about whether or not the six would murder us. They all just sat there not knowing the safety they are providing for us by staying there.

"I think we should go check out some Christmas deals." Mari's mom said looking at her phone, "The mall opened now and we should get there before things get crowded."

The other's agreed and put on their coats. "We'll be back!" they called. We all put on fake smiles and nodded. As soon as the door closed, we all looked at each other for a second.

Riko opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Dia also attempted to say something, nothing happened. Glares were still being exchanged... 

"Listen..." I started.

Hanamaru held up her hand, "No pity explanation will make us feel better zura."

"You guys are being unfair." Mari protested.

"We're being unfair?" Yoshiko laughed.

"You're not letting us defend ourselves." I explained. "We agreed because it's the best thing for you guys."

"How do you know what's best for us?" You questioned, "You're not us."

"That's true, but with age comes wisdom." Mari responded.

"You guys a literally one year older than us." Chika said.

"Tell us this," Dia jumped in, "Do you think that after high school you'll ever talk to Shizuko again?" 

They paused, thinking of something to respond with. "Texting is a thing." Ruby chimed in.

"But what happens when you guys have university? Where your time is limited and you guys aren't on the same schedule?" I added.

They couldn't answer. Instead they just looked at us sadly.

"Guys, this is going to be tough, but this'll be for your future." Mari said kindly.

"B-but we still have the rest of high school." Ruby said sadly. "Now we only have five months."

"Then make it the best five months you can possibly make it." Dia hugged her sister.

"And who knows," I said encouraging them, "if life really wants you guys to meet again, you'll meet again." 

There was a knock on the door while we all hugged. I opened it, it's pretty obvious who it was.

"You're ruining a very wholesome moment, better have something good." I told him,

"Jesus, I just wanted to give you guys my presents." he frowned.

"Fine, fine, fine come in." I grinned.

"Merry Christmas everyone... this costed way too much and there's no reason that I should get you guys anything, because all you've given me is pain but here you go." he took something out of a bag. 

There were nine necklaces all with a charm on it. A mikan for Chika, sailboat for You, piano for Riko, burger for Hanamaru, lollipop for Ruby, angel for Yoshiko, star for Mari, book for Dia, and a Walrus for me.

"Aww... you really do care about us." we laughed.

"S-shut up..." he told us.

"But, where's the other half?" Dia said noticing we only received half of it.

He scratched his head, "I-I have the other half..." 

I smiled, "That's pretty cliché. " I teased.

"I mean if you guys don't want it I can return it..." he replied. "It did cost more than twenty bucks."

"Nope too late!" Mari grinned.

"You can't take it back if we wear it!" You said putting hers on.

"You should all be very grateful." he nodded.

"The next thing you're gonna say is, 'It's not like I like you or anything, idiot!'" Riko smiled.

"Where'd you learn that your Yuri animes?" he shot back causing Riko to pout.

"So do I get a gift?" he asked hopeful.

"Hell no." Chika laughed, "We honestly thought you wouldn't get us anything..."

He frowned, "Alright then, guess I'm going home." he opened the door and put on his shoes.

"We're kidding, we're kidding..." Ruby assured him. 

It was truly a Merry Christmas... and just the beginning of the five months of fun we were about to have...

I lied when I said I wouldn't update tomorrow... Honestly I just really like this book. And I hope you guys like it too! Yeah last night I was just sitting in bed thinking about what to write next so I think I'm addicted to this book.

Anyways thank you all so much for reading! I probably can't update tomorrow because I have a ton of homework, but I said the same thing yesterday so be on the lookout!

Love you all! Mask up, be safe, and don't be stupid.


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