Chapter 6

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I woke up this morning feeling relaxed. Today there was nothing for me to do, it was a Saturday so no homework that needed to be done right away.

I sent an email to the girls asking if they wanted to go watch Koe no Katachi or A silent Voice in theatres. 

Group Chat

Me: Anyone trying to see the new movie A Silent Voice today?

Sailor: I got a swim meet.

K: Same...

Shiny: Dia and I are going shopping in the city.

Piano: I have a piano concert.

Orange: I'm going to support her!

Yohane: I have to entertain my little demons...

Me: Wait what does that even mean?

Yohane: Meer mortal...

Shorty: Today's all you can eat day at the ramen shop... zura...

The only one who didn't respond was Ruby. I walked over anyways and rang the doorbell.

Ruby's POV

Someone was ringing the doorbell! I groaned, it was like seven in the morning on a Saturday... who in their right mind is waking up this early on the weekend?

I looked at my phone, several missed texts messages. Wait, the time isn't seven in the morning! It's eleven! I suddenly felt my entire free day slipping away all because I slept in!

I quickly threw on some clothes and opened the door. It was Pervert... (Yes I call him that, it's true so I don't see what's wrong!)

"Oi! Ruby you wanna go see A Silent Voice?" He asked holding up two tickets that he bought.

A silent Voice was a movie that I planned on watching today but it was all sold out... so I cried myself to sleep last night. 

My eyes lit up seeing the tickets, "YES!" he then drew me in with the tickets, he would wave them in front of my face then move back slowly causing me to follow him.

I pouted, "I'm not a baby!" 

He smiled, "So why are you still following like a kid?"

I couldn't answer as I kept following him. We finally made it to the theatre in the city. We got  popcorn and drinks and sat down. The theatre was packed as expected, this movie was really hyped up.

I sat back and relaxed as the movie started playing and I was transported to the world of A Silent Voice.

(Pervert's) POV

Dang... that movie is so sad oh my god... I held the tears in but a few escaped. Someone near me started crying just a few minutes into the movie, I looked around and saw Ruby wiping away tears in the darkness.

As the movie went on she cried more and more. And honestly I was surprised she didn't run out of tears. Around us there were couples also crying... which brought a weird feeling upon me.


The thought almost ruined the movie for me. But all things stopped when Nishimiya was about to jump off the apartment...

When Ishida fell I just held my breath, next to me ruby grabbed my arm from fright.

At this point I also felt nervous and it wasn't from the movie. 

At the end when Nishimiya smiles and "lit" is playing in the background. Oh gosh the tears, and the movie ended with the quote, "The Shape of Voice." 

This took me a while to figure out what that meant. The Shape of Voice. I realized that it meant that the movie wasn't about Shoko not being able to hear, but Ishida not being able to speak to others. 

 I asked Ruby what she thought it meant since I could be really wrong but, she was still wiping away tears as we left the theatre.

"Ruby?" a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Shiny and Angry staring at us.

"RUBY! DID HE HURT YOU?" Dia said looking at me angrily. 

I put my hands up in defense. "I didn't do anything! Tell her Ruby!"

Ruby was still crying in her sister's arms. "Dia!" she whailed.

I face palmed, why did this always happen to me.

"Oi!" Dia pointed accusingly at me, "First Hanamaru, then You, and now Ruby!" 

"We just saw a movie together that's all..." I said not realizing what I had just spoken.

"YOU TOOK HER ON A DATE?!?!" Dia just about exploded, Ruby was sleeping after her emotionally draining day.

"Um, no. I was going to take you all but you all said you were busy."

"You were going to take all nine of us on a date?" Mari said, "That's a little low..."

I sighed, "NO IT WASN'T A DATE!!!!"

"Then what was it?" Mari asked raising an eyebrow.

"Two friends watching a movie..." Looking back I should've just said something like "Next time I'll take you with us..." but no I just had to be dumb and keep it going.

"That sounds like a date to me!" Dia said, 

This went on for a few minutes, or maybe a few hours I don't really remember. I pretty much tuned out Dia after that. 

We arrived back home and Ruby finally woke up, "Thanks for taking me out!" she said before giving me her Ganbaruby.

I heard Chika's voice behind me, "You took her on a date?" she asked smiling.

I facepalmed again, "No, we just went out of the house..." 

Riko smiled, "Nah that definitely sounded like a date to me..."

Then Kanan and You came back, "Who went on a date?" Kanan asked.

"Nobody!" I said, but of course they didn't believe me.

"Pervert and Ruby went out for a movie!" Chika smiled.

Kanan nudged me, "Eh? Going for the younger one's are ya?"

"Shut up... It wasn't a date!" I tried to convince them.

"So you like 'em young ay pervert?" You laughed at me,


"She even gave him a Ganbaruby!" Riko imitiated Ruby.

"Ahhhh!" They cheered, "Don't break her heart now!"

I just went back home, this conversation was going nowhere. No matter how many time's I tried to convince them that it wasn't a date they still denied it.

So does that mean that it was?

Hope you all liked it! Once again doing this while in class so um, yeah I should probably be paying attention!

Let me know if you liked it!

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