Chapter 142

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['HJ' is a strong hit, the first show is repeatedly praised.]

[Han Hee Jin's unique 'HJ', a menswear brand created by a bold and unique female designer!]
[Jimin's supermodel debut that can't be described in any language!]...

The next morning, a variety of newspapers published headlines about the HJ fashion show in their fashion section. The media focused on only two aspects. One was the HJ fashion show itself and the other was Jimin.

Jiminie had been a hot topic for the past few years.

When he first appeared in public view a year ago, it was due to the turmoil with the second-tier magazine, Fashion Entertainment. The other side was forced to apologize and the youth attracted the attention of many fashion enthusiasts.

A year later, don't even mention Fashion Entertainment, many first-tier magazines such as Character, Lanka and Meditation Road were keen to throw an olive branch to this super newcomer, inviting him to shoot the cover and do an interview.

The magazines hoped that Jimin would appear on their cover after his first supermodel show.

However, their hopes were destined to be doomed. The day after the fashion show, Jiminie drove to a familiar building. It was because last week, he accepted the invitation to be on the cover of one of Korea's top magazines, Suyi.

That's why Jiminie and J Hope went to the headquarters of Suyi magazine. On the other hand, Kai's fans exploded after hearing the media use 'too excellent to be described in any language.'

【 Yesterday Kai was 'amazing' and now this model is 'so excellent it can't be described in any language'? Is this deliberate? Who wrote this story? Who wrote this article? 】

【 Oh, deliberately finding faults. Then how long can a model be famous? Are you giving no face to my husband? 】

【 Who wrote this manuscript about a model that can't be described in any language. Really sour. Don't you know that JY is a big name? First-tier! What about HJ? Laugh, it is just a small brand! 】...

Once Kai saw the report, he was so angry that he subconsciously wanted to use PR means.

But before Kai started, he remembered Yun Bin's repeated warnings. After seething in resentment for a long time, Kai endured his hatred and called Yun Bin.

At this moment, Yun Bin was on a business trip in S City. He listened to a description of the matter and said, "This is an issue with the reporter. J Hope isn't the type of person who likes to deliberately find faults. I will arrange for the report to be removed from the newspaper's official website. As for the newspapers sold today, rest assured that no one will remember it in a few days."

Kai's eyes slowly widened and and his face was full of incredulity.

He only listened as Yun Bin continued, "This time, you did a good job not being stimulated by a third party. This is correct. You should've get involved with Jimin again. He is the type of person that if you don't provoke, he won't provoke you."

Yun Bin was wrong about this. If it was other people, Jiminie really did follow that principle. But if the target was Kai, Jiminie was already figuring out how to make him not get on the supermodels world rankings list~╮(╯▽╰)╭
After listening to Yun Bin's words, Kai's face was clouded over. The assistant on the side couldn't help trembling, before walking a few steps quicker and getting involved with his own business. In a place where Yun Bin couldn't see, Kai's eyes were ugly and filled with resentment.

After Yun Bin said a few more words, Kai tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. "Then hyung, will I have to swallow it when I face him later?"

Supermodel Reincarnation (JiKook) Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang