Chapter 71

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When Jimin uttered the name 'Alex McQueen', many people (including Kai) present at the scene immediately understood why the host responded with surprise.

The people who knew the situation couldn't help turning their gazes towards Kai. Kai's face was red and white, and there was a very ugly expression on it. The eyes of everyone present was making him very uncomfortable, because they seemed to be saying—

"As a global spokesperson for Alex McQueen, don't you care about the brand?"

To be fair, Kai wasn't the global spokesperson for Alex McQueen's perfumes. He was the endorsement model for their series of watches. But don't look at the objective reasons. As the spokesperson, shouldn't he know more about his own brand than an outsider (Jimin)? Wasn't this correct?

Setting aside Rose, who had a lot of experience with the twists and turns of the industry, even Jin was staring at Kai with amazement. He didn't understand how the other person could poke such a big basket.

If this type of thing was handled well, the endorser would merely think he was negligent. Not knowing the relevant circumstances of the brand was understandable since this happened three years ago. However, if it wasn't handled well when the endorsers asked for an explanation, it was something that couldn't be resolved with an apology.

However, this matter wasn't something for Kai to worry about now. He just lowered his head and didn't answer another question. He pretended that he didn't understand what was happening and that it had nothing to do with him.

Jimin had no intention of making things difficult for him at the moment. He knew that even if Yun Bin and the program talked about cutting this part out, Yun Bin would still fiercely scold Kai. He would probably even punish him for a short period of time.

Would you like to know why Kai didn't know much about Alex McQueen, despite being their global spokesperson, but Jiminie knew so clearly?

It was because Jiminie spend six months studying!

He drank the medicinal soup and exercised every day. Then he spent a lot of time studying this world's fashion industry.

Jimin didn't know why, perhaps because of his rebirth, but he found that his memory was much better than before. He could remember some distant information quite clearly. For example, with some of the questions he answered, Rose personally experienced them. However, even she didn't remember it so clearly.

Once the penultimate question was over, only the last question remained. Jiminie abstained from competing since his first position was already determined.

Once they had a lunch break at noon, Jin walked over to Jimin's side with a shy expression. Although his mouth said, "Jiminie, can I sit with you?", his eyes were actually aimed at Rose sitting opposite Jimin.

Jin didn't want to talk about anything bad in front of the goddess. Once half his meal was eaten, Jin curiously whispered to Jimin, "Jiminie, you didn't give Kai any face today. Won't there be a problem?"

Jimin was surprised by the words and put down the chopsticks in his hands. He asked, "Did I do something wrong today?"

Jin thought carefully and shook his head. "No." Every time Jimin pressed the answer button, the reply he gave was correct. He didn't say anything that shouldn't have been said.

Jiminie's lips curved to reveal a harmless and pure smile. "I just honestly played the game and answered the question. The things that happened to other people, what does that have to do with me? ^_^"

Jin replied, "...That seems to be true."

But why did he feel so strange?

Rose saw the youth's pure and simple appearance and couldn't help laughing lightly, secretly thinking in her heart that this youth was really a bad child.

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