Chapter 13

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Jin didn't have any good feelings towards Min Woo and there were even traces of disgust. However, the other person had lowered his attitude to this extent so Jin didn't deliberately make things difficult. He glanced at Jimin, who smiled lightly and gave him a reassuring look. Therefore, Jin left with a "I'll see you later."

The shooting location that Character chose today was a holiday villa on the eastern outskirts of Seoul. The blue and cloudless sky, mountain on one side and water on the other and the lush vegetation made the villa a rare beauty in Seoul.

Jimin had actually noticed Min Woo before he came. He had to admit that Min Woo was truly a handsome and tall male model. But from Jimin's point of view, Min Woo's future path would be narrow if he didn't change his temperament.

Of course, this didn't mean that Jimin felt compassion towards Min Woo. The handsome and elegant young man smiled and asked, "Why are you looking for me, Min Woo? The make-up people are already in place and will soon begin, so what is so urgent?"

The youth's tone was as calm as always, not showing any likes or dislikes.

Min Woo stared at Jimin for a while, then suddenly bowed. "Jimin, I came to apologize to you! Our encounter in Fashion Entertainment was really my fault, then I asked my friend to suppress your photo. I did many wrong things, I really regret it now! Thinking about it now, I really feel like a villain! I should compete with you with strength, not do these crooked things! Jimin, I implore you to forgive me!"

Jimin couldn't help making a startled expression as Min Woo bowed and apologized.

Min Woo's voice wasn't loud, but his bowing appearance could be seen by everyone on the scene. RM and Jin were staring with astonishment from not far away, while Zhao Rui was ready to come over and see what was going on.

Min Woo suddenly bowed to Jimin?

Wasn't there a conflict between them?

The thought 'Jimin is bullying Min Woo' appeared in the minds of some staff members. Then Jimin suddenly stepped forward, raising a hand towards the apologetic Min Woo and said mildly, "Min Woo, I don't blame you. I don't care about things in the past, so you don't have to do such things."

Jimin's voice was modest but it spread throughout the area, letting some of the staff members having crooked thoughts realize what happened.

Min Woo made an amazed expression, "You will really forgive me?"

Under the bright sunshine, the young face showed a brilliant smile. Jimin's eyes curved as he looked at Min Woo, but his eyes were dark. He laughed, "I never blamed you so how can I forgive you?"

Min Woo replied urgently, "You must forgive me Jimin! I really want things to be good between us! I will show you with my actions!"

Jimin was speechless at the words. His eyes slightly sank and his smile became slightly more brilliant.

For the rest of the day, Min Woo used actions to prove to Jimin that he really wanted to be friends.

For example, when applying the make-up, Min Woo took the initiative to choose a dressing room next to Jimin and also gave the first chance of make-up to Jimin. Another example was when Suga hyung wanted two people in the shoot. Min Woo volunteered to be in Jimin's group and took it seriously, passing on his considerable experience in front of the camera to Jimin.

When everyone was eating together at noon, Min Woo took the initiative to eat at the same table with Jimin, chatting with him about recent news. He also revealed some of his next itinerary to Jimin.

This was the act of getting to know each other as friends and even repenting.

Finally, Min Woo went to take photos and RM and Jin walked up quickly. Jin looked at Min Woo taking photos not far away and said emotionally, "At first, I thought that guy was faking. However, Min Woo's temperament has really gone through a big change in one day! The typesetting news that caused an uproar in the fashion circles for two days must've hit him really hard, causing him to change? But this is a really good change. If I knew that this kid could become better after being hit, I would've done it earlier!"

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