chapter 34

689 28 34

song: hurts like hell
by: fleurie

y'all better stop reading so quickly. ive been getting so many reads lately that i just HAD to post this chapter. though i planned on double updating cause this ones short but i didn't wanna wait much longer.

i know i have some ghost readers too and i don't mind but if u can't comment, do me a favor and drop a vote once in a while(: means a lot!!



"I've decided that I'm staying with you for Christmas Break since you can't come home with me," Ambretta said to me as we walked to Hogsmeade. I whipped my head to face her with a look of disapproval.

"Go home. It's Christmas," I replied, while kicking at the snow on the ground. "Your family has been waiting for you, especially after the attacks."

"Yes, but I've just sent an owl out today, telling my mother of my decision. So, technically it's final."

"I'll be fine!" I exclaimed. "It's not like I'm the only one who stays behind during break. There are plenty of other students who don't go home to their families as well."

"Yes, well almost none of them are in Slytherin and none of them are your friends, so." She kicked at the snow along with me, sending some flying into the hood of a 5th year in front of us. Ambretta clasped a hand over her mouth with amusement, earning a slap from me. Using my wand, I lifted the pile of snow out of his hood.

"I actually enjoy spending my time, alone." I shrugged. "It allows me more time for myself. And maybe I can focus more on my memories. Perhaps, I'll visit the hospital soon, but I don't think that will help."

"Terra, I am not arguing with you about this," Ambretta fumed. I rolled my eyes, following her into the Three Broomsticks. I ripped off my gloves immediately and began warming up my hands. The air was smoky yet filled with people of all ages, except for children, of course. "Grab us a booth, I'll get the drinks."

"Okay, get me a butterbeer," I murmured, still rubbing my hands together. Then I walked over to the nearest open booth and sat down. Deciding to keep my beanie on as my ears were still cold from the wintry air, I unwrapped my muffler and set it down next to me. My eyes scanned the room to find Slughorn at the bar, drinking with some other people I didn't recognize. Gazing around further, I noticed the booth farthest away from me occupied with two people.

Draco and a silver-haired girl.

She was sitting close to him, chin resting in her hand with one elbow on the table. Her legs were crossed together, peeking out from her long, knee-length fur coat. Her hood was up, revealing two small, bear-like furry ears on each side. Her lips were cherry-red and she was smirking at him, flirtatiously. Meanwhile Draco looked absolutely uncomfortable, judging by his body language that was slightly turned away. He was wearing his signature winter cap and a stunning black winter overcoat.

He looked...expensive.

Draco avoided eye contact with the girl and stared ahead at his drink while she talked to him in his ear. I noticed him flinch slightly when she muttered something aggressively, allowing a cackle to escape her lips at his reaction. I felt my hands ball themselves up into fists.

She seemed to be around our age, maybe a year or two older. I couldn't understand. She was definitely not a Hogwarts student, so how did Draco know this girl? Who was she? The curiosity was eating away at me. I noticed him open his mouth to mutter a few things in response, turning his head to look her in the eye again.

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