chapter 31

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song: in the end
by: tommee profitt, fleurie, jung youth

(the original version of this song came out the year i was born wow)



Saturday. A beautiful day to end the tumultuous school week. Originally, I planned to sleep in, maybe visit Hogsmeade, read some books, practice Quidditch, finish my essay and finally, open all the gifts that I had received from my friends not long after they had discovered that it was my birthday 2 days ago. But these plans went out the window, the moment Ambretta yanked my drapes to the side and jumped onto my bed. I groaned, wishing I could just sleep the entire day. I turned away from her and buried my face into my pillow.

"Wake UP, Terra!" she fumed while pulling at my duvet. I growled at her with my eyes still closed, head stuffed somewhere between my duvet and multiple pillows. Perhaps if I barked she would leave me the hell alone. "You missed breakfast. I had to sit alone with Zabini."

"Aren't you happy about that?" My voice came out muffled from the pillows.

"I was, until grumpy ol' Malfoy showed up."

At the sound of his name, I perked up slightly to get a view of Ambretta's expression. I was aware that he had been serving detention after his little brawl with Palmer. From what I had heard, there was no stem to the fight. Draco had simply walked over and began punching him repeatedly. I didn't know whether to feel bad for Palmer or glad that he got what he deserved. I didn't know whether to be mad at Draco, terrified, annoyed, or mildly amused. Frankly, I decided that I didn't care for the both of them, so I let it go.

"Ah, there she is." Ambretta smirked.

I shielded my face again, with embarrassment. "No, don't look at me. I don't look as beautiful as you do when you wake up in the mornings."

"What a bunch of utter bullshit." Ambretta rolled her eyes then proceeded to roll off my bed. "Your sheets smell like berries," she said, while leaning in closer to get another whiff. I raised an eyebrow then sat up, rubbing the tired from my eyes.

"I like to snack at night," I joked as I stretched my arms over my head then glanced at the time that read, 11:00 am. I only had an hour of morning left, just how I liked it.

"You stayed up reading again, didn't you?" Ambretta groaned. "That Granger is rubbing off on you. But good thing you are so incredibly lucky to have me."

I smiled to myself with a shake of my head. I truly was lucky to have Ambretta as my closest friend, which is why I planned to tell her everything soon. I couldn't keep it hidden anymore, not from someone who has had my back since the moment we grew closer than just acquaintances.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going tonight?" I asked after making my bed. Ambretta's face brightened as she jumped onto my duvet with excitement. "Hey!" I yelled with annoyance then flailed my arms around, shooing her to get off the bed that I had just fixed. She giggled and simply bounced around, proceeding to accidentally bump her head into a section of the top of my bed. She winced making me wince along with her.

"See? I knew you would want to come, even though I didn't even tell you what the event is yet."

"Can you just get the hell off my bed, first?" I hollered at her. Ambretta jumped off, her feet gracefully hitting the floor with a small thump.

"The Ravenclaws are throwing the Welcome Home Ball this year. Strictly 6th and 7th years, only." She smirked.

"What? Is this like a yearly event?" I asked with confusion. I didn't recall attending any Welcome Home Ball last year but then again, I had close to no friends and no memory of myself. We exited our dorm together as Ambretta followed me to the bathroom.

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