chapter 19

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Today was the first day. The first day where all the fifth years began to take the O.W.L.s (aka: Ordinary Wizarding Level) tests for their classes for the next two weeks. We were taking them a week earlier in order to give more time to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament. I had barely slept due to the anxiety of how well I would perform on the test, though very few students barely slept the night before. I had dedicated my weekends to countless reviews and study sessions with Ambretta. Draco and I would travel to our hiding spot by the lake and quiz each other, especially in everything we had learned together in Potions.

"You'll be fine," Draco said to me the Sunday we spent studying together, the day right before the exams. He was laying on the grass, with one elbow propping him up, watching me as entertainment. He reached up and pushed a few strands of hair out of my eyes and tucking them behind my ear.

I leaned away absentmindedly. "See? This is why I don't study with you. You're too distracting." I flipped a page in my textbook.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Draco smirk. "It's my specialty."

"How are you so relaxed? I feel like I'm going to pass out from the lack of sleep." I groaned.

Draco sat up immediately. "Shall I take you to the Hospital Wing?" he asked with worry evident in his tone.

A laugh escaped my lips. "I'm exaggerating. Sit your ass down."

He huffed and laid back down on the grass, beginning to watch me again with interest. My insides began to twist with embarrassment. I turned to position myself away from him so he wouldn't see my face.

Draco scoffed. "So we're playing this game."

"I told you. I'm stressed. Let me focus." Draco sighed and grabbed my textbook, smacking the cover closed. I gasped with annoyance. "You made me lose my page!" I yelled.

"We've been here for hours, Terra. The sun is setting. Your brain needs a break. I already quizzed you on basically everything. You're acing almost every question. Stop stressing yourself out!" He shouted back in the same tone.

A flock of crows flew above us, startled by the sound of our yelling. I closed my mouth in defeat, simply glaring at Draco. He ignored my glare and army crawled closer to me, proceeding to lay his head on my lap. For a moment, I was reminded of that one day, months ago, when I had spotted Draco laying his head in Pansy's lap. I shrugged off the memory as I lifted a hand and brushed my fingers through his soft platinum blonde hair.

A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Finally," he breathed as he closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around my waist, and nuzzled his head into my stomach.

"You know what this reminds me of?" I said slowly, being reminded of that exact day again. I fought the urge to say it, but the words came tumbling out before I could even stop myself.

"Hm?" he replied sleepily.

"Reminds of that one time when I was walking to the Wooden Bridge and you were laying in Pansy's lap." I stared out at the water, waiting for his reaction.

Draco was silent for a moment then slowly opened his eyes to look at me. "What?" he said in irritation. His expression held no sign of humor.

I began to regret my words. "Yeah...You seemed quite...cozy." I bit my tongue immediately. Why was I bringing her up? What was the point? There were some days where I just couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut.

Draco was facing me fully now, with an expression of annoyance. He reached up and placed an arm behind his head. "Cozy?" he repeated incredulously. His lips twitched upwards as he burst into laughter. I raised an eyebrow at his change of tone. "Bloody Hell, Terr. I can't believe you could even think to compare yourself to Parkinson." He continued to laugh.

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