chapter 16

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a/n: another long chapter!! 👀 (5000+ words again oops)

song: are you with me
by: nilu

also thank you for 300+ reads it means so much to me the few of you who have been interacting with this book and actually reading it(: theres a lot of people who simply spam vote but don't actually read the story, and if you're actually engaged with the story ummmm ily? tysm(:

oh, and enjoy!!(:



"You know I had dream about you too last night." I sat in the grass between Draco's legs with my head on his chest. His back rested against the castle wall as he played with my hair. We'd been sitting like this the entire morning now, hiding away from the rest of the school.

"Please tell me it was better than mine," he replied. A small chuckle escaped my lips.

"Well, I don't remember much but I know that's it's sort of because I bawled my eyes out after seeing you and Pansy kissing yesterday so-"

"You did what?" he cut me off. He stopped twirling my hair and froze in place.

"It's stupid." I rolled my eyes. "Like, I know we weren't even a thing so it's not like you were hurting me in that way...but it did hurt a lot. And then I realized I liked you...a lot. As more than a friend, of course," I admitted. I could almost sense the smile on Draco's face. He wrapped his arms around mine as he buried his chin in my neck. I could feel him breathing in slightly then exhaling with sadness.

"It's not stupid Terr, I'm the stupid one."

"Whatever, I'm's fine because now I know exactly how you feel and none of it matters at this point."

"Do you want to know something else?" he asked. His breath tickled my neck making me squirm now and then but his grip on my arms was tight. "I liked you the moment I saw you." I broke out of his grip to face him with a bewildered look. Draco stared at me with a glint of amusement in his eyes.


"It's true. You were this clumsy, lost girl, and I just—I couldn't help but...adore you in the most odd way possible. And then you were sorted to Slytherin, and I started feeling so odd. I felt this twisted feeling in my stomach every time I saw you in your robes, but in a weird, good way. Even while you were with Higgs, I tried not to show it but I absolutely hated you both together. Thank Merlin, that's over."

I was at a loss for words trying to connect the bits and pieces of our encounters together. My mind swirled with the first few memories I remembered of Draco. They certainly were not pleasant.

"Then why-"

"Why was I a dick to you? To hold up my reputation, I guess. It was easier to be mean, because I was used to it. I was such a coward, and I still am. didn't deserve any of the shit I said to you. And every single time I did say it, I know I hurt you, really, really bad and deep down I hated myself for it. I wanted to walk over and comfort you, but I didn't know. I'm still...learning. And I want you to know that I'm trying."

"I...don't even know how to respond to that. I don't think you're a coward, Draco. I just think you have a harder time at expressing your true emotions. But maybe I can teach you that." I grinned. He smiled immediately the moment he saw my grin, then he leaned forward and kissed the top of my forehead. "So when you were with Pansy-"

"False. I never actually dated her, I used her to try and make you jealous. I think I failed though." Draco shrugged.

I gasped while punching his shoulder. "As much as I dislike Pansy, no one deserves to be treated that way."

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