chapter 46

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Blaise Zabini joined Draco and I for breakfast, slumping down in front of us with a weary and emotionless expression. Draco and I exchanged looks then studied the boy who simply began poking at his fried egg. I decided to gently ask how he was feeling but was cut off when two people slid in across from us, sitting down directly next to Blaise. Draco wrinkled his nose immediately with displeasure, scoffing in the most obvious way possible.

"You're not welcome here, Nott." Draco snapped.

"Well I've welcomed myself here, Malfoy." Nott shot back. His hair was a matted mess and I noticed that beside him, Pansy's hair was a mess as well. This to me.

Tate Palmer brushed past us, speaking with one of the twin girls of Slytherin. He barely casted us a look, before hurrying past Draco. Nott snorted until realization coated his features when he noticed Draco shooting daggers at the boy who had laced my cookies with love potion in Fifth year. But little did he was actually Pansy.

"Oh, Palmer? You think I'm still friends with the bloke? Come on, mate. That was ages ago." Nott laughed as he reached forward and grabbed himself a fruit. "He's a tosser." Nott chuckled once more before offering a fruit to his quiet companion. She accepted the fruit with a smile that revealed her astonishment at his simple gesture. I shook my head to myself. The bar was practically underground at this point. Nott showing the bare minimum, and poor Parkinson sending heart eyes in response. I almost visibly grimaced.

"By the way, what's wrong with Zabini?" Nott whispered. The dark skinned boy turned his head and shot the sandy-haired boy an annoyed stare. Nott lifted his hands in surrender. "So I'm guessing no one here is an early bird."

"Would you please just shut the fuck up, Nott?" Draco retorted. I elbowed Draco slightly, sending him a look that said 'relax, you grouch'. Draco rolled his eyes and stuffed a spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

"Are you wearing makeup?" Pansy suddenly asked. With confusion I glanced at her only to realize she was speaking to me. "You seem're glowing a little." she added. Draco was smirking now, even laughing a little under his breath as he too, studied my face. I felt my cheeks heat up as if they could practically read my forehead.

Terra Edwards: No longer a virgin

"Have a little fun with Malfoy last night, did you?" Nott smirked. I was sweating with embarrassment, now. Pansy was nearly gawking with amusement then shared a knowing smile with Nott.

"You're one to talk." I murmured cooly. "I don't think it's a coincidence that the both of you forgot to brush your hair this morning." Pansy's smile dropped and her hands flew to her hair to fix the tangled mess, cursing under her breath slightly. It was then I realized we had come to a mutual understanding without really saying anything. She was no longer...obsessed with Draco and I no longer despised her for it. Besides, I wasn't one to hold grudges, especially when I forgave the boy sitting directly next to me.

"Nicely done." Nott commented with a shrug. "You're correct Edwards, I just shagged Pansy a few minutes ago."

Pansy burst into coughs, coming to terms with Nott's straightforwardness. I placed a hand over my mouth with surprise at his forwardness. Even Blaise was staring between the two with blatant surprise.

"You two?" asked Blaise with exclamation in his voice. "Since when—"

"Since summer." Theo grinned while Pansy simply gathered herself from the embarrassment. I was quite amused myself, but happy for them really. I didn't know how serious their relationship was, but I was glad to see that they did share some sort of bond that was beyond just having sex.

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