chapter 55

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We stayed up till dawn, thoroughly planning.

"Your safe house at the moment is with Andromeda. She was attacked by her own sister, Bellatrix, just after the two of you left and she searched her mind for the location of you two." said Kingsley. My blood ran cold and I noticed Draco pale slightly with shock and anger.

"We reached in time to save her though." Lupin added as my shoulders sank with relief. "We've been staying in our very own safe house, a cottage near the ocean. Tonks hasn't left her side. We'll go there first, gather ourselves, then we'll make our move."

"How will we even get inside?" I interrupted.

"Sources tell us they have their own protective enchantments set up, which means not even Mr. Malfoy can make it inside. The protection spells are changed each week. The only way we can get in is by either playing victim or..." Lupin's eyes suddenly landed on Draco. I frowned as I stared between the two. "Mr. Malfoy will have to take a little visit for Easter holidays."

"What?" Draco snapped. "You want me to just knock on their door when they know very well that I've been missing?"

"You have to act like you're on their side, Mr. Malfoy. You must pretend that you're there to turn Terra in."

"Fine. But we're not bringing Terra, right?" Draco hissed and I could've sworn I was burning holes into the side of his head with my own eyes. Draco avoided my glare. Lupin and Kingsley shared puzzled looks. "What?" Draco snapped. "If she goes, there's a chance they'll abduct or pull something for sure. I can't risk it."

"Again with the 'I can't risk it'. Draco, this is my mission—"

"—And it's at my house!"

"Both of you shut your mouth." Lupin snapped. Draco fell silent just as I did the same. "Terra will accompany us, for the sake of her mother. We will do our best to protect her."

"We're still outnumbered!" Draco groaned just as he pulled at his roots with frustration. I couldn't help but agree as I shot Lupin and Kingsley an expression indicating that Draco was right. For all we know, that place could be infested with Death Eaters floating.

"We'll create a diversion." said Kingsley. "Something loud."

"Like what?" Draco asked. "Blow up the manor?" he snorted.

"No we'll just create some noise." Lupin nodded at Kingsley while catching on. "That's all we need to find your mother and then leave. Now Mr. Malfoy, do you have any idea where they may be keeping Cherry Zatara?"

"My guess is the cellar. Let me map it out for you."


Hidden under the Disillusionment charm next to Lupin and Kingsley, I gawked at the manor that lured over my head. It was large and looked almost majestic. Yet even in the early days of Spring, it seemed so cold and hollow, sad and depressed.

It was moments later with a loud pop that Draco apparated to the manor and walked straight ahead, barely glimpsing in our direction. My heart thudded in my chest just as I watched him nonchalantly stride to the gates of the manor.

Despite the Calming Draught I had taken just before coming here, I could already feel the anxiety creeping up. There were a million thoughts circling my mind such as my mother gaining possession and being worthy of the 4th Deathly Hallow, my dead twin brother, the dark magic and being destined for the dark side. But I had to gulp all of that down and keep it shut there for now, because I was mere meters away from reaching my mother. Waiting on Draco's signal.

"Draco dear, is that you?" a shrill yet evil voice yelped in surprise.

"Hello, Aunt Bellatrix. May I come in?" his voice was steady and I could tell he was doing everything to remain composed.

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