chapter 56

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"You have done very well." came a familiar voice. He was sitting above me, smiling faintly.

"Lex." I croaked as I began to sit up. He hushed me and pointed to my bandaged shoulder.

"I may be in your dreams, but you must not cause any strain on your injury, Miss Zatara."

"Did we do it?" I whispered as I flattened myself against the pillow again. "Did we save my mother?"

"Yes." said Lex. He smiled admirably at me. I sunk my shoulders in relief. It didn't hurt as much and I felt a bit lighter than I had been feeling the past few months. She was okay. She was fine. We grew silent as I stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling before me, thinking about everyone else I had lost.

"That night at Hogwarts. You said something about Ambretta, you said something about her being at peace..."

"Oh, yes!" Lex grinned. "Your friend is perfectly fine with her mother. She is at peace and she loves you dearly, Terra Truly."

"Tell her that I love her too."

"She has already heard." Lex chuckled.

"Will I see you again?"

"I'm afraid not. My purpose is to protect your mother and I have gone to great lengths doing just that. Unfortunately I have saved her 3 times and I will now be with her till death naturally welcomes her. But you will no longer see me again, Terra Zatara."

"Where do you go after my mother dies?" I whispered. Lex began fade from my eyesight. I squinted my eyes as he grew brighter and brighter, farther and farther. For a moment I thought I could see the faint outline of wings behind him.

"I move to the next who is worthy of my protection."

And then he disappeared.

When I opened my eyes I was in a small, rather normal looking bedroom. The bed I was laying on faced the small dresser in front of me and to the right, the yellow-ish transparent curtains were blowing from the breeze flying in through the open window. The sound of the waters could be heard as I sat upright in bed. I winced slightly, moving my shoulder back and forth. The pain still seemed fresh, which meant I hadn't been here long.

There was a stinging sensation on my neck as I remembered my lover and he bolted through the doors immediately. His hair was a sweaty mess, collar wide open and belt unbuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you cheating on me?" I murmured. Draco frowned then glanced down at himself with realization. Releasing a low chuckle he kicked the door closed with a smirk and raised an eyebrow.

"How did you know?"

"Fuck you."

"I'm joking!" He groaned as he gently shoved my covers to the side and sat on the exposed part of the bed sheet. "I was getting undressed to shower, I still haven't changed. I smell like blood." he grimaced as he lifted an arm to sniff at his armpit. I leaned away.

"And why are you sweating?"

"Tonks. Her water broke. We had to apparate her to the hospital as quick and quiet as possible. The woman was screaming bloody murder in my ear the entire time up until she went into labor."

"The baby was born?" I asked excitedly while sitting up again, but the pain in my shoulder said otherwise. I muffled a wince and tore my eyes away from Draco. He hadn't noticed yet.

"Yes, he was born. Of course, Lupin could've done it on his own but Dromeda told me to accompany them in case something happened. She said she would keep an eye on you. And it took her forever to convince me. Luckily I came back just in time."

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