chapter 49

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Passing by a muggle store that had the word "bank" in its name, Draco casted me a questioning look.

"How much money have you got with you?"

"Enough to last us a long time," I replied. "I visited Gringotts before the school year with Hagrid. He got my money from my mother's vault of course, and I haven't spent much except for the small amount I spent on supplies for the school year."

My mother's vault remaining in Gringotts with my name on it, stumped me. It was the only trace she left of herself and simply disappeared into nowhere. Dumbledore had provided Hagrid with a key though before he died, which only meant that my mother must have handed it to him when they met, or perhaps they had met each other again before Dumbledore died.

"Excellent." said Draco. "Combining that with mine will last us months if we're lucky."

If we're lucky. I pretended not to wince at the words.

"I think our charms will be wearing off soon, so maybe we should disguise ourselves, or try Polyjuice potion." I could already notice the faint outlines of my shoes as I walked the cold pavements of London.

"Perhaps we could...check into a muggle hotel for the time being." said Draco. I shot him a look of utter surprise. "What?"

"You of all people, are going to room in a muggle hotel?"

"As a last resort, yes." he grumbled. "Why? Do you know any other places, Zatara?"

"No," I chuckled to myself. "I'm just...proud of you."

"Yeah, whatever." he rolled his eyes. "This is why I'm defected."

"So you don't hate the muggle-borns anymore either?"

Draco hesitated. I noticed this even when I couldn't quite see him. It was the silence that followed my question.

"No...I guess I don't hate them. I was raised to, but...after all this—things have changed. I'm not as much of the arrogant dick I used to be."

"You've gone soft." I cooed in response, knowing he was going to hate my answer. My head was spinning. I didn't realize how light I felt until I realized I was cracking jokes, forgetting about my sadness. It must have been one of the potions. But the moment didn't last long as I suddenly felt a push as Draco ducked us into a dark alley.

"I can see your face, now." he whispered. "What do we do?"

"Okay, I'll transfigure you into a ferret—"

"Zatara!" Draco hissed. "Something doesn't feel right." he muttered as he peered around the empty streets. "I feel like someone is watching us."

"Should we apparate?"

"We haven't got a map." he replied. "I can locate my way around, I just need a fucking map."

"Okay," I mumbled. "Plan B. We disguise ourselves."

"I'm not allowing you to turn me into a bloody ferret—"

"Shut up!" I glared at the boy who's face was clear to me now. He snapped his mouth shut as I spun him around and began digging through my bag that was still perched on his shoulders. "We'll change some clothes and switch hair colors. I'll give you facial hair, since you can't grow much past a stubble. Here, put this beanie on."

Instead of complaining, he obliged and did as told. Shrugging off his expensive overcoat and signature cap, I replaced it with a beanie, and puffy jacket, followed by leather gloves.

"Crinus Muto." I mumbled with a wave of my wand and instantly the platinum blonde of his hair began to shift to a dark brunette color. Then with another wave of the wand, I gave him a full grown beard, the color of cocoa. Finally, I changed his eye color to a deep hazel, feeling proud of my small little charms that I had casted without epically failing.

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