chapter 28

820 25 32

song: breathe
by: lauv



When I reached my dorm, I slammed the door shut and fell onto my bed with my head in my hands. Slowly, I felt the effects of the curse wear off as I realized what I had just done, or been controlled to do. I stood up and walked over to the mirror with my wand, mumbling the Bedazzling Hex in order to conceal the unfortunate love bites that had been casted on my skin. A yell of frustration escaped my lips as I punched the wall nearest to the mirror repeatedly. A few pieces of stone chipped off. Gasping for breath, I immediately reached for the small gift in my pocket and placed it on the edge of my table before I could accidentally destroy it.

Whatever spell, potion, or hex that Grindelwald had casted on me, it had worked. It was all part of her plan. This was the start of her game, once I realized we were no longer just friends anymore. We may have shared the same bed countless times over the summer, but it wasn't summer anymore. Tasks had been assigned and she had used me as her pawn for her own needs. It was quite brilliant the way she lured me in with no choice, more so with evil intentions. My mind reeled back to one of our last days together at Malfoy Manor.

We sat face to face and intoxicated

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We sat face to face and intoxicated. Me taking sips of my expensive wine that I had stolen, unknowing that she had been brewing Veritaserum and placed 3 drops in my drink.

"So, Draco." Storm Grindelwald smirked while tracing her finger along the tip of her semi empty glass. I swallowed hard, suddenly beginning to feel very strange. Storm slowly and carefully bit down into a piece of chocolate, wiping the excess from her lips with the tip of her tongue. I could practically sense her gears turning with concentration. "Are you afraid of me?" she asked.

"No," I felt myself answer on command. My eyes widened with horror then I glanced at my drink. "What did you do to me?" I snapped. Her smirk deepened. She reached up and flung my bedroom door shut with her wand, muttering a spell that allowed the room to become locked. I quickly reached for my wand but I wasn't fast enough.

"Expelliarmus!" she shouted making my wand fly out of the tips of my fingers. "Imperio." She pointed her wand at me again as I suddenly felt a floating sensation in my head. Every thought and worry gently wiped away. A feeling of relaxation and ease took over as I watched Storm position herself in front of me. "Sit still," she ordered and I found myself obeying her actions like an elf. Despite feeling my body relax, I was still very aware of the Unforgivable Curse that she had casted on me.

"You bitch," I snarled, trying to fight the curse. It definitely was not powerful but I wasn't experienced in this area of magic causing me to fail miserably at fighting it.

"Oh, come on Draco. That's not a nice thing to say to your sex buddy." She giggled as she leaned over and cupped my face with her hands. "Summer is over, Draco. You can stop using me to distract yourself. I can't afford any slip-ups from you, that would probably result in both of our deaths. Since you refused to open up to me all summer, we're just going to have a nice conversation then you'll be off to your precious Hogwarts." She brushed her nose against mine seductively. I tried to flinch away with distaste but I was unable to.

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