chapter 45

664 12 14

eLLo LoVes
the content is ab pg-13 id say but ill still leave a warning(: (i really step out of my comfort zone writing those so if u cringe i honestly don't blame u. it's not really my area of expertise, and my main focus is usually just raw emotion)

chapters have been shorter, but im just filling it in.

think of it as...the calm before the storm😳



"You left my room in the middle of the night, yesterday." I whispered to Draco quietly over breakfast the next day. I felt as if I was walking on pins and needles. He had barely uttered a word, except for a few head nods and forced smiles. It was beginning to bother me. Did he consider me as someone else now after revealing who I truly was on the inside?

"I know. I just...found it a bit risky."

"Draco, I'm the Head Girl. No one checks." I murmured with confusion. But he wasn't listening. He was eyeing the Gryffindor table with a confused stare. "What?" I asked as I followed his gaze.

"Not that I give a shit or anything, but I just realized I haven't spotted the troublesome three for the past two days..." he trailed off. I swallowed hard, realizing I had left out this piece of information last night. But for some reason, I wasn't so sure if I should be telling him or not. It wasn't that I didn't trust Draco, it was the fact that there was a Taboo on You-Know-Who's name. One can only imagine what other hexes were put in place, especially with the Ministry being completely overtaken by Death Eaters.

It was a wonder how I was still alive in the first place. Before I had turned 17, I never apparated, thinking that there was a Trace on me. But I had managed to apparate the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding, and I had not gotten caught. So...what if the Trace wasn't on me at all in the first place? It only made sense, judging by the powerful magic my mother had conducted. The Ministry still didn't know who I was, or that I even existed.

She was protecting me. I knew it. My mother was out there, doing everything in her power to keep me on the right side.

"Um, I overheard they're on some sort of mission. I don't really know what though." I stuttered. Draco's eyes flickered to me, his mouth had paused from chewing.

"Does it have to do with..."

"Yes." I murmured. "It always had to do with You-Know-Who." And then Draco said nothing. He simply finished his meal without a word, then left for class leaving nothing but a soft squeeze for my hand before he left.

I went through the motions of going to class, studying, and getting a shit ton of homework. At least I had Quidditch to look forward to. I desperately hoped we would be playing this year. It was the only thing that helped me get my mind off the fact that people were dying, he was out there, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were out there.

I didn't look where I was going until I ran face first into a rough shoulder, allowing a few books of mine clatter to the ground. I scrunched up my nose, silently deciding to hold my frustrations in as I bent low and scooped up the books that had fallen.

"Hello, Edwards."

I stopped short then slowly gazed up at the Slytherin smirking above me. Anger flourished me. How dare he even speak to me? Just the sight of him made me want to vomit.

"Fuck off, Palmer." I spat as I turned away.

"Are you still mad? Come on, that was ages ago. Everyone uses love potions." he chuckled with amusement.

Breathe. Breathe.

"I don't care about you or your stupid love potions. Just get out of my way." I muttered once more. Palmer opened his mouth to speak but within a flash I pointed my wand to his lips, coaxing him to speak further. He didn't. And I walked off.

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