chapter 52

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no more songs will be added since i didn't realize the book would span this long LOL.

plz enjoy, i hope you're all not getting bored bc it seems all my readers are ghost readers now so if u can, at least leave a vote!! (:



"I remember first year, and second, and third." he stuttered. His eyes fell upon me, distraught. "You were a Hufflepuff. I remember your yellow robes, and—and you were friends with Susan Bones, and Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Hannah Abbot. And—and you and Cedric were together.

"I remember detention, and going to the Dark Forest with you and Potter and seeing You-Know-Who. I remember—I remember mocking your stutter in second year during History of Magic. I remember you joined the Quidditch team, 4th year. I remember you sticking up for Susan Bones when I bullied her. You went by the name of Terra Zatara, and you were normal like the rest of us.

I felt my knees weaken just as I grabbed the dresser for support. I didn't know whether to cry or be afraid or be overjoyed.

"You were normal. Until you disappeared after that winter, and Diggory was all over the place but none of us knew why. And then the news spread like wildfire after Potter and his gang came into contact with you. You were his daughter, you had gone to the Dark Side, your face was on the front cover. Everyone knew you." he whispered.

"Everyone." said an aged female voice. Draco and I turned to see Andromeda standing in the doorway as well with a stunned expression. "Yes...yes I remember your face on the front cover. And then nothing. It was as if your existence was wiped...from the world." her eyebrows were furrowed with confusion. "This level of magic is...unheard of. No one ever before has created such a spell. But your mother, your mother was a powerful, powerful witch." said Andromeda.

"You knew my mother?" I gasped, final being able to discover my vocal chords again.

"Everyone knew your mother Cherry. Distant heir of Helga Hufflepuff's son. She was beautiful, kind, and compassionate. And everyone knew just how much she loved you. A mother's love is something else, Terra."

"But my mother rarely used magic while I was growing up." I mumbled.

"That was her choice, to protect you. I don't know much, only that I went to school with her and she possessed the traits for being one of the smartest of Hufflepuff. We all knew she wanted to become a Mediwitch, but one day she disappeared and it wasn't till 11 years later she returned with you, claiming some wizard had gotten her pregnant and she always wanted to go to America. Those were the rumors I heard just after Nymphadora graduated Hogwarts."

I stumbled back a little and felt my bum hit the window sill again. Draco leaned against the wall, arms crossed and barely uttering a word. Noticing our reactions, Andromeda backed away.

"I'll give you time." she whispered once more before exiting and closing the door behind her.

"You must think of me so differently now." I whispered to Draco who simply stared at the floor. He sucked in a deep inhale then exhale, meeting our eyes through the strands of his messy blonde hair.

"Sure, I think of you differently just by how we grew up, but it doesn't change how I feel about you." he answered.

"I'm a monster."

"You were a child, and you're still young." he pushed himself off the wall and neared me. "You were manipulated, forced to perform magic beyond your own capabilities just because you were born with it inside you. You lost your family, your mother was nearly killed, you fought a Death Eater."

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