chapter 58

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We stayed up together and watched the sunrise outside in the sand. None of us really bothered falling back asleep.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly just as the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds. I shielded my eyes away and turned my head into Draco's shoulder. He raised an eyebrow. I gently leaned closer and dropped my closed mouth onto his shoulder to breathe in the scent of his fresh, clean shirt.

"Sorry for what?"

"For being so self-absorbed that I couldn't be there for you." I turned my head to the side and laid my head on him while toying with my anklet. He used both his hands to move his body closer to mine so that my head was comfortable.

"You don't need—shit, Terra. You still don't understand, do you? I know you had lost so much, you were mourning, and you still are. But what hurt the most, is that you wouldn't let me be there for you. You pushed me away. I gave you your space, because I know you needed it. But watching you with that emotionless expression every single fucking day was beginning to ruin me. I was beginning to think that it was Teddy who was keeping you alive in this house."

"I know." I mumbled. "You deserve to feel that way. You deserve to feel angry."

"For Merlin's sake, now you sound like a fucking Hufflepuff." he groaned while shaking his head and glancing out at the waters again. I barely chuckled.

"That's because I am a Hufflepuff, remember?"


"It's crazy." I murmured in thought. "My mother, a descendant of Hufflepuff, my father, the heir of Slytherin. So what does that make me?"

"You're like a...rare hybrid of both." Draco snorted. For the first time in awhile, I burst out laughing. Pulling away from his shoulder I covered my mouth to try and muffle my giggles. Draco stared at me in absolute awe and shock. A small smile adorned his lips, his eyes glittering in the sunlight.

"I think you're right. Some may say, a Slytherpuff." I murmured through my laughs. Draco scrunched his nose up with disgust.

"No. You'll always be my Slytherin princess, Terra Z."

"Ick. That was so cheesy, Draco Malfoy." I grimaced and he sneered at me jokingly.

"Shut up and kiss me." he snapped before grabbing the back of my neck and pushing our lips together.

"Good morning." came the sudden sound of a female voice. Draco and I sprang apart and gazed around at our surroundings. That didn't sound like Tonks...or Dromeda. Instantaneously I reached for the wand in the waistband of my pants but the voice interrupted. "No need to defend yourselves. I'm not here to fight."

A figure dressed head to toe in a dark black cloak, appeared before us, her Disillusionment charm wearing off. Draco immediately sucked in a breath and snatched my wand. He pushed me behind him and aggressively pointed his wand at the cloaked figure. A rumble of laughter escaped her lips.

"So brave you've become, Draco. You could barely fulfill the mission of killing your own Headmaster last year, yet today you do not hesitate to harm me. Your first."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I glanced from the hooded figure back to Draco. It appeared he had already recognized this woman.

"I don't fear you. If you tried to harm me or my loved ones, I will kill you instantly."

"Oh, is that so, Mon Amour?" she chuckled once again.

"What the hell are you doing here, Grindelwald?" Draco snapped.

There was a pause. The cloaked figure raised her pale manicured hands and pushed the hood off her head. I sucked in a unsteady breath. I recognized her almost immediately. She smirked then her eyes flickered behind Draco. She bowed her head. Storm Grindelwald.

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