chapter 20

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this may be my longest chapter yet (6000 words) phew LMFAO. do u guys hate me for that??

little disclaimer tho: theres no draco content this chapter, but trust me there's a lot of other events that will hopefully keep y'all hooked.

song: when i look at you
by: miley cyrus 
(im sorry but this song reminds me of how terra sees draco)


"Where's Malfoy?" Ambretta asked me curiously the next day at breakfast. I knew for a fact that she had noticed my quiet demeanor, which was not anything related to the exams. The only other people who actually knew of Draco's whereabouts were Crabbe and Goyle, and although I never necessarily talked to the two, apart of me felt less alone knowing the very minimal information that Draco had provided us with.

"He had to go home, it was an emergency," I answered dryly.

Despite the heat of the season, my hands were freezing from the cold water I had splashed my face with this morning, barely bothering to wipe them dry. I reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, playing with the stud of my cartilage piercing, wishing it could be his hands instead. Though I rarely got to spend time with him throughout the day, I suddenly missed him dearly.

"Shite. When will he be back?"

"Hopefully before the final task of the tournament."

"Oh, Edwards! That's mere weeks away, you're moping around as if you two actually broke up. Focus on your exams, and he'll return before you know it," Ambretta reassured me in her usual passive aggressive tone.

I shrugged my shoulders staring at my untouched food until the realization took over. "How did you-"

"Know that you're dating? It's incredibly obvious when your best friend is not so subtle. I'm honestly surprised Parkinson is clueless. But then again, she was never really bright anyways." Ambretta snorted while elbowing my arm gently. "I mean I don't understand why you're both being so secretive, but it's none of my business." She rolled her eyes as she stuffed a spoonful of porridge in her mouth.

"Please don't tell anyone," I mumbled, feeling embarrassed that I was honestly being a shitty friend to Ambretta. She was a great secret keeper and never judged me for my odd qualities. The one thing I always admired about Ambretta was that she would never go out of her way to be nosy and get into others' business. Sure she enjoyed talking about the latest gossip she would hear about our own peers, but she never went out of her way to get answers. She was an easygoing person, mostly focused on her own needs, enjoying life.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone that I snogged Zabini the other night," she whispered cheekily.

My jaw dropped as the thoughts of Draco slowly began to seep away. "You kissed Blaise?" I hissed with excitement.

She lifted her hand and slammed it over my mouth with widened eyes. We both peered around, hoping no one heard. Lucky for us, there weren't many students sitting for breakfast this morning. Even Crabbe and Goyle were nowhere to be found.

"Could you be any louder?" she hissed back with sarcasm as she slowly removed her hand. The smell of berries entered my nostrils.

I lifted my hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just...shocked. I thought you hated men." I snickered as I nudged her the way she usually nudged me.

Ambretta rolled her eyes, taking another spoonful of porridge. "Not all men are idiots...I think. Plus, have you seen Zabini? He's beyond fit," she murmured dreamily. I raised an eyebrow in genuine surprise, placing my chin in my hand to listen to her ramble about Blaise Zabini. "We have Magical Creatures together, and he really knew how to make me laugh, Terr. We ran into each other on the way to the dungeons a few nights ago, and then one thing led to another and we were snogging. It was immaculate. Great kisser. Would definitely do it again. And I would have told you sooner, but I was waiting for you to come clean about Malfoy."

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