chapter 57

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"Brackium Emendo."

You'll get used to it after a while, they said. The lingering pain, the nightmares, the torture. It'll go away soon, they said. With time.



For now, it seemed to pass by awfully slow. It had only been 2 hours and I sat on the bathroom floor staring straight ahead into the vast abyss of nothingness in my mind. My throat had run dry and I had lost my voice from screaming and clawing away from the arms pulling me away from my mother when reality had hit me.

"Vulnera Sanentur."

My head snapped up with knitted eyebrows at the disheveled boy sitting in front of me, cleaning my wounds, healing the broken bones on my hand, and using his wand to replace my sling for my bloodied shoulder that was now clean from the Healing charms Draco had casted on me. He ignored my gaze and instead began to button my new clean shirt back up. I hadn't known that he caught on so quick to the healing spell that Snape had used on him. I hadn't known that he had even learned to heal without so much as wavering. But then again, Draco was always sharp.

"Ferula." The bandage wrapped itself over my wound and the sling replaced itself on my shoulder as my arm rested on the cushioning material. Though I knew for a fact that I had for sure torn a few more muscle tissues from all the struggling.

But nothing, nothing hurt more than the death of a loved one.

Her lifeless eyes gazing back at me were all I could picture. They had turned a poisonous black when her hand gave away and let go of mine at the last moment. She was cold and dead. My mother was dead.

I didn't remember much after that, except for how I felt as if my own heart had stopped for a moment. I wanted to die just so I could see her again.

I was snapped back to reality again when Draco scooped me up from under my legs without a word and guided me back into our shared bedroom. He gently sat me down on the clean bedspread then offered me a potion to which I did not recognize. I slowly gazed up at him and he nodded his head, coaxing me to drink it. So I did as told. I gulped down the potion feeling the dreamless effects suddenly take over. My vision blurred as I stared at the shadow on the wall that matched Draco's silhouette. His head bent low as he examined my fractured hand that he had barely managed to mend back into its respectable shape. And then I closed my eyes.


1 month Later

"Would you like some tea, dear?"

I shook my head, wordlessly.

"Anything to eat? Perhaps some biscuits?" asked Tonks. I shook my head once again, pursing my lips while staring out the window at the waters crashing the shore. I felt like walking over and soaking my toes in the damp sand, feeling the water reach up and hit my ankles. I stood to my feet, rattling the table slightly. Draco stood immediately as well, eyeing me with evident concern. Tonks and Dromeda shared solemn looks.

"Terr?" he whispered, reaching for my hand that was no longer in its cast. Though I still wore the sling since the damage had grown way worse than I thought since the last time I tore the muscles of tissue open. I flinched away from his touch, opened the back door and stepped out barefoot. My key anklet clinked against my bone as I felt the rush of air blow my hair backwards. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep inhale of the salty waters while feeling Draco's presence behind me.

Opening my eyes I walked closer to the shore but I stopped short when I received a sudden memory.

It was as clear as day, I remember. Hiding behind a tree while I watched Draco and Pansy kiss on the shores of the Black Lake. I remember it hurting like hell. I remember twisting on my heels and sprinting back to the castle.

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