chapter 47

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Tap, tap, tap

Came the light knocks at my dorm door, allowing me to stir awake instantly. I frowned in the darkness. Had I dreamt that?

Tap, tap, tap

No I had not. A groan escaped my lips as I struggle to grab my magical wristwatch and glance at the time under my wand light. It was 4 am. It was bloody 4 in the morning and someone was tapping at my door. I suddenly hated being Head Girl.

Tap, tap, tap

"In a minute!" I groaned fiercely as I dressed myself in a robe and slippers, desperately hoping the issue wasn't at large. Or worse, I'd find Nott standing outside my door again, complaining about some scared first years. Why couldn't the Prefects deal with it? It wasn't that I disliked the first years, it was the fact that Nott was a complete and utter asshole in the middle of the night. I couldn't stand his annoyingly hyper behavior at 2 in the morning sometimes. This one time he had even gone as far as to ask me if it was that time of the month just cause I was so grumpy for being woken from deep sleep. I was so close to decking him in the close.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I padded my way to the door, tripping on the desk chair in the process and mildly stubbing my toe, an annoying habit of mine. Whispering a colorful bunch of profanities I threw open the door to see a wide eyed Draco reaching up to knock again. My anger deflated and I stared at the boy with lifeless eyes, clearly looking sleep deprived.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled while lowering his gaze. "I can't sleep."

I didn't accept nor deny his apology. I simply opened the door wider for him to sheepishly trudge inside with a small blanket clutched in his arms. He aimed for the couch but I stopped him with a low groan.

"Are you stupid?" I glared at the boy with crossed arms after shutting the door, barely being able to recognize his features in the dark. He paused his actions. "Get to bed, Malfoy." I didn't wait for his reply but simply spun on the heels of my slippers and discarded my robe. I climbed back into the silk sheets of my bed then suddenly felt it dip a little, seconds later. Without a word I pulled my covers towards the both of us and invited myself in his arms. A satisfied sigh escaped my lips, just as Draco lay there slightly stunned but grateful.

"You're not mad?" he whispered in the dark, hesitantly caressing my hair. I yawned in his shoulder, my eyes already growing heavy from his delicate massages.

"Just go to sleep, Draco. We'll speak of this in the morning." I murmured. That was all it took as Draco turned me to the side and spooned me close to his body. And for the first time, I fell asleep way before he did. I didn't know what horrible thoughts were clouding his mind nor would I realize that Draco had been dreaming of his deepest darkest fears before waking up in a sweat and desperately making his way to my dorm.


When I awoke Draco had already roused from his sleep as well, staring straight up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He was laying flat on his back, hands tucked over his stomach. His eyes looked extra blue with the sunlight glinting through his lashes from the window behind my bed. I couldn't exactly describe just how perfect he appeared in my eyes, he just was.

"Good morning." I murmured. The words felt foreign on my lips. No one really said that anymore. Draco hummed in response his gaze falling on me with that stare of his. The one filled with wonder and care. "Sleep well?" I asked. He pressed his lips together and nodded his head.

"I always sleep better when I'm next to you." his voice was low and husky, reminding me just how much I always enjoyed his low morning voice. It made my stomach tingle a little.

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