chapter 40

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5 months. 5 months it had been since I left my mother in that cottage that day. 5 months she had been searching for me. But I was already gone. There was no Terra Zatara anymore.

Just, Terra Riddle. That was my name and I was my father's daughter. I only took pride in pleasing him and I took pride in having all the Death Eaters cower in front of me. They were scared of me just like how they were scared of my father.

It was easy to let the darkness inside me escape. It felt like I had no humanity, that's how powerful the dark magic was, that's how powerful the desires were. I was my father's daughter.

And today, today was the day of a special task. A trap that we knew was going to work. And it all began at the Department of Mysteries.

I wore a mask to conceal myself as I found the 6 of them scattered in different directions. We hadn't expected the other five but no big deal. Fighting hard, I succeeded in mildly injuring Luna and leaving Neville with a scratch. And finally, the Death Eaters and I all managed to capture each of them, one by one, leaving Harry standing alone with the Prophecy in his hands.

"Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that you stood a chance against us?" Lucius stalked over towards Harry with his cane then held out his empty hand. "I'll make this easy for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy, now." Harry halted and glanced at his captured friends, struggling under the grips of the Death Eaters. I felt my lips curl into a smirk.

"Don't give it to him, Harry!" yelled Neville.

"Shut it, Longbottom," I snapped.

Everyone's gaze landed on me as I emerged from the shadows. I detached the mask from my face and let it clatter to the floor. My old school mates stared at me wide eyed.

"Terra Zatara?" Harry breathed, his voice sounding betrayed.

"It's Terra Riddle, actually, Potter." I chuckled. Lucius' smirk deepened. I walked closer to the boy, his hands still grasping the prophecy.

"What?" Harry muttered, his face contorting in shock.

"Voldemort's daughter, at your service." I grinned while bowing my head with glee.

"Bloody hell..." I heard Ron whisper, as he choked a little from the grip of the Death Eaters.

"Terra, this isn't you..." said Harry. He searched my eyes for some sort of light. But there was none. My past self, seeming like a ghost, my green irises were coated with black.

"Quit the chatter, now hand over the prophecy!" bellowed Lucius.

"Yes, Harry. Hand it over." I smiled wickedly, rocking on my heels slightly.

"Traitor," I heard Neville whisper.

"Hand it over, or Longbottom dies first," I seethed. Lucius was almost grinning ear to ear at this. Harry slowly reached over and placed the Prophecy into his hand.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" said Lucius. I nodded my head, backing away from Harry. He was watching me, a look of sadness and confusion in them.

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