chapter 5

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My first day of classes and I was practically going to pee my pants. It didn't help that I was up all night due to my own "first day jitters" or anxiety or whatever you wanted to call it.

While Pansy, Millicent, Tracey, and Daphne slept soundly, I tossed and turned the entire night feeling my stomach rumble ever so often as my mind raced with what I would be facing the next day. a class full of first years. Apart of me felt humiliated to be seated around a bunch of 11-year-olds, but also comfort as most of them seemed as clueless as I was.

When the time came, I was the first to roll out of bed, with close to 1 or 2 hours of sleep. Getting dressed in my brand new Slytherin robe, I quickly made my way down into the common room, purposely being early so I wouldn't run into any chaos along the way. That thought backfired though as I stopped in my tracks the moment I noticed Draco Malfoy sitting on the couch towards the common room fireplace. His crutches lay next to him neatly one on top of the other and it seemed he was studying a textbook.

A studious jerk? Who would've thought.

I stepped away as quietly as possible hoping he wouldn't hear me. Taking my time as I placed one foot in front of the other, I counted my steps towards the door. I had almost reached the exit until I heard the familiar voice.

"Intruder girl?" he asked incredulously making me cringe to myself. I heard him slam his book shut followed by the sound of his crutches hitting the floor. I froze then slowly turned around, already feeling the red creep up to my cheeks.

Why? Why did he make me feel this way?

He walked towards me limping with his crutches. "I don't believe it," he breathed with a smirk. "You've made it so far, that you've actually reached my Hogwarts house as well! Am I that attractive?" He was standing directly in front of me now.

I frowned. "Oh, don't flatter yourself, Malfoy-"

"Hey look! You've met Terra." A voice chuckled from behind. We both turned our heads to see Zabini enter followed by a few other Slytherin boys. The tension in my stomach only increased. I was now alone with a bunch of male testosterone. Malfoy snapped his head back to me with surprise.

"Yes I've met her. And I thought you didn't remember your name!" he said as a laugh escaped his lips. "I guess I can no longer call you Intruder girl."

Before I could even respond Blaise jumped in again. "Her name is Terra Edwards. She's one of us now."

Malfoy took a long hard look at me from bottom to top. This immediately snapped me out of my frozen stance and I stood up tall.

"Excuse me!" I muttered with annoyance. "Eyes up here, Malfoy."

Blaise and the rest of the boys 'oooh'd' with surprise. Malfoy continued to stare at me with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Me?" he laughed as he turned towards the boys and pointed at himself then faced me again. "Me? Did you really think I was checking you out you bloody intruder? Why would I be checking out a girl who just happened to appear on the train on the way to Hogwarts? I bet you didn't even receive a letter or anything that granted you admission to the school. I was simply taking notice of your robes that so obviously appear to be inside out. Taking first day jitters a little too seriously, I see," he said with a snarky grin.

Hurt filled my insides as I simply stared at him then turned around and stormed out of the common room. What was I doing in the Slytherin house when my feelings could be hurt so easily? Did this make me a weak student then?

The moment I exited the Slytherin dungeon, I faintly heard the room erupt into laughter. Shrugging off the humiliation I immediately slipped out of my robes, flipped them back to the right direction and began making my way to my first class which was Charms with Professor Flitwick.

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