chapter 3

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I woke to the sound of talking, loud talking. Moving my head to the side I found myself searching for the location of the voices then landed on a group of people surrounding a single bed a little far across from me. I strained my head to get a better look but only continued to hear angry yelling and a swarm of students. The angry voice belonged to a student for sure as I noticed the person on the bed wore a black school robe.

"My father will hear about this! You just watch, I will get you kicked off the team, Crabbe. You were not even that good anyway!" The voice yelped again in pain.

"He's only joking right, Pansy?" another worried voice asked.

"Just give him some time, he'll come around. It's just a twisted ankle," a female voice replied.

"I'm sorry to you all, but Mr. Malfoy will not be well enough to participate in the first match this Saturday." The Mediwitch who was with me last night spoke as she backed away from the bed. A chorus of gasps and groans erupted from the small crowd of students as they made room for her to get through. I finally got a glance at the boy laying on the bed with a defeated look, then suddenly I recognized him.

Malfoy? Wasn't this the boy Ginny had told me about? Also the same kid who managed to make my cheeks burn? Thinking of that event that was only just yesterday made my cheeks burn hot with embarrassment once again. Just his cocky look itself was sending me a bunch of red flags.

"It's okay guys, it's only Hufflepuff. An easy first win, of course," another voice jumped in. This was from a sandy-haired boy.

"Please. Give him some space to rest, I will return shortly with the crutches. The rest of you, off you go, before you all receive detention," the Mediwitch ordered.

The students scurried out of the hospital wing chatting with one another. And then it was silent, as the Mediwitch had left Malfoy's bed as well. I stared at Malfoy still laying flat on my bed. He was attempting to move his foot around that was held in a cast then winced weakly.

"Shit," he muttered then angrily smacked his fist on the bed. He glanced up in my direction at that exact moment making me shut my eyes almost immediately. I silently prayed hoping he would look away, or at least pretend to ignore. But to my bad fortune seconds later, the silence was broken.

"Hey! Hey. Pssst, hey!" Malfoy whispered then slowly I opened one eye. Why? Why did I even respond? He was staring at me directly with a straight face. "Aren't you the girl with amnesia or whatever? Or at least those are the rumors." He snorted. Both my eyes were open now. I decided to not answer him as I sat up slowly in bed watching him intently with a look of disapproval.

Please just leave me alone, please. The last thing I need right now is some pale kid teasing me for my memory loss.

"Hey! What's your name?" Malfoy raised his voice slightly as if I hadn't heard him whisper seconds before. "Everyone already knows me, but since you're new I'll still introduce myself. I'm Draco Malfoy." I shot him a look as if to say ' leave me alone' then reached over to take a sip of my water. "What are you? Like mute as well?" He laughed while watching me sip my water. A scowl etched itself onto my face.

Don't let him get to you, Terra.

This was the first boy I had encountered at this school who was actually being quite unpleasant for no apparent reason.

After another long and awkward silence, Malfoy spoke again. "So you're not going to tell me your name are you?"

"Why the hell do you wanna know so bad? It's not your concern. I don't remember my name, and that's that," I finally fired back. Malfoy raised his eyebrows in astonishment. It was almost as if I had given the exact reaction he was hoping for.

amnesia | d.m.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz