chapter 32

771 19 39

song: too good
by: troye sivan

-slightly mature content coming this chapter and the next-


Descending the stairs back was the annoying part. About an hour had passed since a quarter of my memories from 3rd year returned. I was beginning to lose my ability to cope with these all by myself. I wanted to speak to Dumbledore since he was the only man who knew of my struggles, but something told me that he was not being entirely open with me.

It wasn't long before I found the Room of Requirement again this time being guarded by 2 Slytherins, a boy and a girl. I don't know why I went back. But somehow, it just felt like the night wasn't over yet. And I needed to find Ambretta.

I was mildly surprised I hadn't been spotted by any professors, though I had a feeling they were well aware of the events hiding behind the Room. I made my way inside, entering to slow music and bright pink lights illuminating the dance floor. Dozens of couples stood together, slow dancing with one another and enjoying the warmth of the night. Searching the crowds for my best friend, I found her in Blaise's arms, face nuzzled into his neck as they swayed to the song. My heart swelled at the sight of them, knowing how perfect they looked together. I decided to leave her alone.

Watching the calmness of the room, my gaze landed on Harry, Hermione, and Ginny. I stalked towards them, taking a deep breath and desperately hoping I didn't look like I had just bawled my eyes out and received painful flashbacks of my past while awake. They were all staring at the dance floor in silence. Hermione in particular, appeared to have a hardened look on her face. As I walked closer, Ginny was the first person to recognize my presence, though she stood farthest from me next to Hermione.

"Hey, Terra." She sent me a wave. Harry turned his head at the sound of Ginny's voice as his gaze landed on me. It made me happy to see him at a social event like this again. I couldn't bear to think about 5th year and the amount of pain he went through. At least one of us looked okay.

"Hello." His jaw was more prominent and I couldn't help but notice how well and put-together he looked, despite the normal mess of his hair. Harry squinted his eyes as he took in my appearance. "What's wrong with your face?"

"What do you mean? She looks beautiful, Harry. Be nice," Ginny scolded him lightly then made her way around a distracted Hermione. She stopped in front of me as realization coated her features. I frowned, suddenly beginning to feel self conscious.

"No, no," Harry stumbled over his words apologetically. "I-I mean your eyes...and your cheeks..." he trailed off. A gasp escaped my lips. I had forgotten that I wasn't wearing waterproof mascara. How stupid was I to not even stop in the nearest bathroom and check my appearance? Ginny fumbled with her handbag and sympathetically handed me a compact mirror. I took it gratefully then groaned the moment I saw the clownery on my face.

"Shit..." I mumbled then grabbed a clean handkerchief from the nearest table to wipe at the streaks of mascara. I probably looked like an idiot walking in. No wonder those two Slytherins guarding the door had stared at me wide eyed.

The living version of Moaning Myrtle.

"Are you okay?" asked Ginny. Her face was contorted with a sense of worry. I forced a nod.

"Just had to...clear my head a little." I laughed lightly, still feeling the dull ache near the top of my scalp. Maybe I really should have gone back to my dorm. The two of them stared at me with suspicion as I continued to smile it off, fighting back the thoughts of the events that took place not moments ago. To change the subject, I nodded my head towards Hermione. "Is Hermione, alright? She hasn't moved a muscle since I walked in."

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