chapter 9

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As the steady weeks passed by and I grew accustomed to my everyday schedule. School was less and less difficult as I had imagined it would be during my first week at Hogwarts. I was no longer the "new girl with amnesia" as many had even grown to forget I even had amnesia. Though at times when they did realize, those were the awkwardest moments of all. Thankfully, my concussion had healed fully and I was evidently healthy. Healthy, but missing the memories of my entire life. The amazing works of magic. Cue sarcastic smile.

Pansy and I were on speaking terms again...fully, I guess. But even then, I was never fond of her due to the fact that she was never nice to my friends in Gryffindor and followed Malfoy around like a lost puppy. What drove me even more annoyed was how Malfoy basked in her attention, unless I was wrong and he liked her back...which was blatantly NOT evident. From where I stood, the friendship seemed too one-sided.

Malfoy was back to being the rude cold-hearted jerk to me again. Actually, when was he not? I was used to it now though. I never let him get far, as I always had a snappy comment to say in return almost immediately. And Malfoy didn't dare utter a word to me whenever Terence was around.

Terence. I had a huge crush on him, but the boy hadn't even managed to make a single move yet. Apart of me was afraid it was because of our 2 year age gap, or that he was graduating soon but judging by the way he set aside time to hang with me, I definitely believed we had something. Maybe I should make the first move?

Due to Terence's utter disappointment, he had not been selected for the Triwizard tournament. Instead, Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff was chosen. Though that didn't surprise us as much as when another piece of paper popped out of the Goblet of Fire. This confused us all as there were only supposed to be 3 participants. One from Hogwarts, one from Beauxbatons, and one from the Durmstrang Institute. Gasps erupted in the crowd as Dumbledore read off a 4th name.

"Harry Potter," Dumbledore had said with shock evident in his voice.

"How is that possible? He's only 15," I whispered to Terence who shrugged his shoulders almost annoyed of Harry being chosen. It appeared Harry was equally as surprised as he shakily made his way to join Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Fleur Delacour. Now this was about to become interesting.


"No, I did not put my name into the Goblet of Fire!" Harry whispered to me with irritation the next day in Potions class when I casually asked him. We had partnered up to make another potion together but I was doing all the work as Harry sat unfocused while venting.
Ron had chosen to move seats and join another group from Gryffindor.

"No one believes me. Not even Dumbledore. And now Ron is mad and won't talk me, as if I actually did it without him. Everyone hates me except for Ginny and Hermione. I didn't even want to participate, and the worst part is I don't even stand a chance." He groaned with frustration while placing his head in his hands.

"It's okay, Harry. We'll figure it out. If I find something on the first task, you'll be the first to know." Though I had absolutely no clue and the only time I got to see Harry throughout the day was during this specific class. I was lucky to run into him, or even Ginny anytime after school hours for that matter. That occurrence though, was also very rare as they were always spending time within their own House.

"Thanks." He sighed as he stood up and began helping me with the potion again. "Sorry I dumped that on you. I'm just stressed out about the tournament. And you're the only Slytherin in this class who wasn't walking around with a 'Potter Stinks' badge earlier." He scoffed with annoyance. I glanced up in Malfoy's direction knowing he must have had something to do with the making of those badges. I knew for a fact he was passing them around earlier and even went as far as to offer me one.

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