chapter 14

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I sat on the stands with a girl I had befriended from Slytherin, Ambretta Sphinx was her name. I know, that seems hard to believe but it's possible as long as you mingle with the right people. Or at least people who aren't downright bullies like Pansy Parkinson. We were watching a group of Ravenclaw boys practice for quidditch. They were in the middle of a game as we sat on the stands with our goodies that we had stolen from the Great Hall.

It was mid March, so the snow was practically melting away and Spring was mere days from approaching. I had not remembered a single memory since those few days in December. I was disappointed, but mostly sad. Until one day, late February, I had woken up and remembered the day of my birthday. It was September 5th, which meant it had already passed. I was 15, younger than many of the students in my year, but one of the brightest in my house. But most of all, I was glad to finally remember something so simple about myself rather than something that would remind me of my crazy life.

"Roger Davies really knows what he's doing." Ambretta sighed while licking her Sugar Quill.

A chuckled escaped my lips. "Well he is the captain and Chaser of the team."

"Yes, but he's so...dashing."

"Good God! Is this why you brought me all the way out here at this late hour? You do know he has a girlfriend right?" I joked and threw a piece of chocolate in my mouth that tasted sort of minty.

"Let me dream, Edwards." Ambretta scoffed while keeping her eyes on Roger Davies.

"I wish I could play," I admitted as I dreamily watched the players flying around on their broomsticks. After many rides on the broomstick with Terence, and the return of my memories of magic, I had discovered my love for quidditch. Perhaps I was part of the team in the past. I wish I remembered.

"You should try out for next year! I know the Slytherin team barely has any female players. You can change that."

"Maybe. I don't know." I suddenly felt self conscious after realizing that there really were in fact almost no female players on the team. What if I tried out and they hated me? Was the Slytherin team sexist? How did I not even know that?

"Ohhh, I forgot, you dated the Slytherin team captain." Ambretta smirked.

A blush creeped onto my cheeks thinking back to the last time we had spoken. That was the day he was leaving for Christmas break. It was easy to avoid him when school started up again, especially because we weren't in the same year. Occasionally I would see him in the Great Hall and I couldn't help but miss my friendship with him, it wasn't fair that it had to end like this. That was the definition of right person, but wrong time.

The rumors of Pansy Parkinson and Terence Higgs were somewhat true. She had thrown herself at him the moment she had seen him feeling down, but he didn't reciprocate the feelings. He didn't care for Pansy the way he cared about me and that single thought itself, deep down, brought me joy. I always wondered, what if we had worked it out? But it didn't matter. I knew what I wanted. And it wasn't going to be long distance.

"Yes, well that's long been over," I chuckled, trying to cover up the pit of sadness in my stomach.

"Why did you guys end it, if I may ask?"

"Let's just say...right person, wrong time. Know what I mean?"

"Not really, but okay." Ambretta shrugged. She finished her Sugar Quill then tossed it down in the gap between the stands. I looked away, trying to ignore the annoyance I felt for her littering. "I reckon next year, Malfoy will be captain for sure. He already tried to steal Terence's spot this year before the Triwizard tournament was announced, but failed miserably without the help of his father of course."

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