chapter 23

891 24 32

song: arcade
by: duncan laurence


I'm not sure how long we were in that classroom, or how long we talked. I was almost certain that Ambretta would most likely be hunting for me in the halls, probably plotting my murder or someone's murder.

I asked Draco how he spent his time at home and he described it vaguely as, "lonely and boring" with only the company of his mother and the house elf. He had returned to Hogwarts with his father to collect the rest of his items and they were leaving back home in the next two days. This meant, that I got to spend two more days with the boy I loved.

But as Draco slightly hinted at his father, I couldn't help but think about the worst and wonder how Lucius was most likely linked to Voldemort. If Voldemort was here tonight, were any of the Death Eaters there as well? Had Draco's father been present? And Draco...he had told me that he was present when everyone had seen Cedric. Was it possible that he knew of this attack? Was it possible that he went home to join his parents and the Death Eaters to plan this attack? But why Cedric? Then it hit me. Voldemort must have been there to kill Harry. But I didn't understand how Voldemort can show up in a hedge maze. Unless there was another way...

"Tell me about how much you missed me. And the O.W.L. examinations. Your weekends. Everything in between. Tell me anything that does not have to do with..." he trailed off as I nodded my head with a small smile to my face, already understanding his words. I pushed the questions in my head away, deciding to not worry about them at the moment.

We were sitting on the floor now, his back to the wall. We sat just like our usual way. My back was to his chest but I sat criss cross between his legs this time. He played with my hair, reaching up and tucking those few strands behind my ear and grazing the cartilage earring.

I told him about the exams and how nervous I was for the results. I decided to leave out the part where I had the visions of Voldemort, since he did not want to talk about him. So I told him about eating Peppermint Chocolate Frogs and the spark between Blaise and Ambretta.

"Zabini and Sphinx?" Draco blurted incredulously. A small laugh escaped my lips as I nodded my head. "That's...quite the news." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I turned around, still cross legged, and sat facing him. There was a satisfied smile on his lips as he took in my appearance again. A blush creeped its way to my cheeks.

"Stop checking me out," I joked while pushing at his chest delicately.

"Why not?" he grinned as he lifted his hands and placed them behind his head. "When I've got the perfect view."

I reached over and covered his eyes as a laughed escaped his lips. His hands left his head as he grabbed my waist and tackled us both to the ground, sideways. I burst into fits of laughter as I felt his fingers dig into my sides. This boy was tickling me.

"Stop." I gasped for breath as I tried to pry my way out of his grasp. Lucky for him, he had the great advantage of his height and long arms, making it easy for him to grab me when I managed to crawl away. A squeal escaped my lips as he gasped and clamped his hand over my mouth.

"You're being loud!" he hissed. "Filch is going to find us."

"You're being annoying!" I shot back after ripping his hand off my mouth. "I almost elbowed you in the face."

A smirk formed on Draco's features. "Darling, you wouldn't even be able to if you tried."

"This is coming from the boy who got punched in the face by Hermione Granger and slapped by me," I said proudly. Draco pouted and crossed his arms. And just like always, I had won.

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