chapter 53

537 13 9

this is unedited!!!



It was the loud crash that woke Draco and I early next morning. Another one followed and then another just as I noticed a flash of green light outside my window.

"Fuck!" I heard Draco whisper in the dark. He sat up quickly and I did the same. Without much thought, we immediately threw our coats and gloves on to the best of our abilities and I grabbed my bag.

"Go! They must have found Mum." came Tonks' fearful voice from around the corner. I could already hear Lupin's voice urging Dean Thomas to safety. There was another crash and the window beside me cracked. "GO. NOW!" she screamed. And before I could even utter another word Draco had grabbed my hand and apparated us out in the middle of nowhere.

The quiet hit us like a brick and the air shifted. I felt my insides twist back into their rightful place just as we landed. I was practically used to the apparition now.

"Where are we?" I murmured dazedly as I gazed around the empty land. My eyesight was still somewhat blurry from the sleep and my body felt heavy. How many hours of sleep was that? 4? Not bad.

"Wales." answered Draco. "It was the first place I thought of that Aunt Andromeda hadn't told me about. If the Death Eaters found her, that means they'll probably be searching her mind. I knew we shouldn't have left her alone." Draco sighed with heavy breaths and sleep deprived eyes. "I've seen pictures, but I've never been here. I'm surprised it even worked."

We gazed out at the waters before us just before realization hit me and I began my protective enchantments.

"Salvio hexia." I waved my wand in its motions and was pleased to see the enchantments working. "Protego totalum, Muffliato...Draco get my bag, the tent is inside."

"Accio tent."


The tent was large for our comfort. With magic, we managed to extend it from the inside, giving us plenty of space to stretch our legs and warm ourselves with warming charms again.

"Aguamente." I heard Draco whisper and I decided I was parched as well so I too summoned myself some water in a small cup.

"Do you think Dromeda is okay?" I mumbled with regret. "It's my fault. We left her."

"She chose to stay." muttered Draco. I could tell he was slightly angry with her decision. "I asked her too...and she refused. Came up with her own stupid logic about not leaving her home behind yet." he scoffed and downed another gulp of water. "At least we know for sure now that you're being hunted."

"Yeah..." I murmured with uneasiness. "But what if this war lasts an entire decade, Draco?"

He paused at my words with furrowed eyebrows. "Then we'll run for the decade." he answered, surprising me with his words. I exhaled with a roll of my eyes.

"It's easy to say."

"I know." Draco placed his empty cup down and stared at me directly in the eyes. I could tell he was examining the dark wisps of black  again. "But I don't plan on giving up anytime soon. My goal is to keep you safe and if it happens, I'll die trying."

"You sound like a Gryffindor." I murmured teasingly to ease the tension. With a grunt he wrapped me in his arms and collapsed on the small makeshift bed behind us.

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