Jenna hands her a mug of black coffee, and opens the fridge door, studying the contents. She has never been domestic and never will be. She slams it close, looking sheepish, "I can make toast." But Darcy loves her nonetheless.

Elena walks, going straight for the coffee pot, she pours a black coffee, like Darcy. They all like black.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena says, sipping the goodness.

Jenna nods, "Sure." She shrugs, casting Darcy a suspicious glance, noticing how she's been quiet all this time, "You okay, Darce?"

She nods, "I'm fine, Jenna, stop worrying." Flashing her a beaming grin, hoping to wash away her growing anxiety.

Jeremey enters, he has a punk rock vibe going on, a bit of a mess, but overall cute. He hugs his oldest sister from behind, "Is there coffee?" He asks, letting go of her, not before kissing the back of her ebony head. He snatches Elena's coffee out of her hands, plonking in his seat at the breakfast bar, next to Darcy.

Elena watches with an envious glint in her eyes. It's no secret Darcy and Jeremy have a close bond, but she can't see why Jeremy can't be the same with her.

"Your first day of school and I'm unprepared," Jenna says, reaching into her purse, pulling out some cash. "Money?" She offers the three siblings. Elena declines with a shake of her head. Jeremey takes his after a reassuring nod from his older sister. "It's okay Jen. I've got my own." Darcy assures.

Elena raised a curious eyebrow at her sister. Darcy shrugs, winking.

"Anything else? A No.2 pencil? What am I missing?" Jenna rubs at her face, frustrated.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena asks, sipping her coffee.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at--" She checks her watch, realising, "Now, shit!"

"Go Jenna. We'll be okay." Darcy says, standing up grabbing her aunts purse and taking her by the shoulders, pushing to towards the front door.

"You sure? What about you?" Jenna asks, her voice dripping with worry.

"Like I said I'm fine, stop worrying and get going." She knows her Aunt is worried she and Jeremy will do a runner. But she needn't worry, she's here to stay, along with Jeremy. Where ever she goes, Jeremy follows.

"Fine. But any problems you phone me, and I'll pick you up from school. Okay?" Jenna demands, hands-on-hips, eyebrows raised. Showing she's serious.

Darcy struggled to keep the smile off her face, knowing she can never take Jenna serious. "Promise." Unexpectedly she gets tackled into a tight hug but accepts gratefully. She laughs, hugging her Aunt back and then shoves her lightly out the door, " Now go!" She laughs as Jenna waves nearly tripping, she shakes it off with another wave and drives off.

She chuckles, rolling her blue eyes fondly, making her way back to her siblings. She enters the kitchen as Elena asks Jeremy if he's okay. "Don't." He says, kissing Darcy's forehead and exits the back door. Uninterested and annoyed by Elena's pestering. It's not even been a day, and she's starting.

Elena turns to Darcy, "Think he will be okay?" Elena finds it hard to comprehend how Jeremy seems to have turned over a new leaf. No drugs? She's doesn't believe it.

Darcy sighs, wrapping her arms around her sister, "He's fine, stop worrying your little head it's not good for the remaining brain sells you have left." A grin tugs of her red matt lips.


A beep sounds, "That be Bonnie," Elena says, she pauses looking down at her converse's playing with her bag strap, "Do you want to come with?" Sceptical of her sister's answer. She just wants to be back to how things were before everything turned to shit.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚: Abeyance || D.S & S.S (TVD) **REWRITING**Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя