_CHAPTER {17}_

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The designs

Alishaa reached home an hour later with all the groceries needed. She found Nadiya and Faaris in the kitchen cooking, and acting as though it is an everyday thing. She washed her hands and joined them, it felt like she was third wheeling, her mother no doubt has warmed up to Faaris. He probably has one of the best relationships with his mom from the way he was treating Nadiya, she thought.

An hour later and they finished cooking, they asked Nadiya to wash up and they would set up the table.

"Why are you here early?" Alishaa asked, as she placed a bowl of rice on the table, he glanced at then shrugged, "Just happened to be here" he replied.

"Oh!" She said slowly, he knew there was more to it from her expression. He asked, "What is it?"

"Never thought you are the helping type" she answered sincerely, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me" he stated. "Hey! That's my sentence" he smirked and walked to the kitchen saying, "I know"

"I see, you like knowing things about me" she sassed as he came back with salad bowl, "Yeah" he said, looking at her. She looked away blushing, "You are the worst," she mumbled and ran to the kitchen, he let out a small chuckle and continued setting the table. As the reached the other side of the table he noticed a long black book, with lots of colors on the cover "Dreamland" written in different colors with glitters. He looked around for Alishaa but she wasn't back, he let his curiosity take over and he opened the book,

"Some dreams will always remain a dream! But who cares, my world is here" written on the first page. He swiped to the next page, there was a beautiful design of a suit and a caption under it,

"Hello Mr. Armani, this is the new design"

He leaned on the wall next to the sink and swiped to the next page, it was another design of a suit but this one was in red and butterfly patterns on it in black.

"Ms. Saleh, this is the most beautiful suit I have ever seen"

"I know Ms. Chanel"

He became more invested in the captions than the actual designs, as they became more dramatic, the deeper he goes through the book.

He was starstruck with her talent. For a minute he was sure it is couture level and only a creative designer could sketch them. He had a lot of questions in his mind but he knew to play safe. He had asked her once but she denied it, there must be a reason she is hiding it. He was about to open the last page, when he heard voices and footsteps approaching him. He kept the book and moved to the side removing his phone from his pocket.

"Yoo Faaris, we haven't met all day! I missed you, bro," Rashid said, excitedly coming to hug him, he bent down and dodged him, "We ate lunch together Rashid!" he deadpanned.

"Yeah, but you are my heartbeat I need to see you every time" Rashid said, holding his head. He rounded the table to where Faaris moved. "Please don't start and don't hug me" Faaris said, moving away.

Rashid let out high-pitched cry, saying, "Aww...you don't love me anymore!"

Alishaa came out of the kitchen laughing, "When will you be less dramatic Rashy?" she said. Faaris's heart dropped a beat seeing her. He kept imagining how to approach her with the conversation. With the condition of the company, he needed her help.

"Is Mrs. Zach and the kids here Lisha?" Nadiya asked coming out of her bedroom, dressed in the same long plain gown as earlier but in green, her hijab was wrapped perfectly on her head.

Alishaa looked at the clock, 19:30 it read. "They should be on their way up" she answered.

Dinner went eventful as Nadiya had planned, though she expected the boys to be uncomfortable and leave early but they seem to blend in perfectly. After cleaning up the table, the kids moved to the living room, and the elders stayed in the dining room chatting.

"Lisha? Can you get the ice-cream from the Diner please? I will bring cookies from home" Rosie asked, standing by the door, "Yeah, sure" Alishaa answered, standing up.

She looked around the living, thinking of who to escort her, her eyes landed on Faaris first but then she remembered he helped them with dinner, he must be tired. She looked at Naadir who was in a chat with Max and Rashid. She was about to call for his attention when Faaris spoke, "N-"

"I will go with you" he said. She furrowed her brows looking at him as he walked pass her to the door, "You coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah" she replied, coming back to her senses. He seems to surprise her every time with an act of his.

The pair of them walked down the street in silence. Faaris still thinking about how to ask her about her designs without seeming like he poked into her stuff.


"Why-" They both started together. "You go first" he said, "Okay, how is your work like?" she asked, dropping her first question. "Are you trying to know so that you can ask me out?" he joked, chuckled shaking her head. "Oh brother! Why do you always think I have a crush on you?" she asked, "My work is not bad, we got a lot of funny people" he answered.

She stopped and let out a scoff, then continued walking, "Funny people here? Do you have another company in Lebanon, because it is actually scary here" she said, shivering at the thought work in Nifaas.

His face hardened at the mention of Lebanon but he pushed the thought aside. "That's not what I mean, I mean you hardly meet people like Renzo in an organization, a walking clown" he said, with a little smile.

"Oh yeah, MD Renzo is the funniest, especially when he is confused" she said, chuckling. "That I will tell you, a year ago I asked him to cover up for me, because I was attending another meeting-" he looked over making sure she was listening, seeing her whole attention was with him, he continued, "He told them I was stuck in the bathroom of a plane!"

"Oh my God!" She laughed out, imagining the situation.

"I would take the buckets, you take this" he said, giving her the plastic cups and spoons.

She waited for him to take the ice-cream buckets and they started walking back. Making up his mind, he dropped the question, "Why do you hide your designs?" she looked surprisingly at him, then looked down at her shoes, questioning how he knew about it.

"I saw them at your house" he replied to her unasked questions. Though he wanted to be discreet about it, he had to be honest in order to win her over. "I don't think it is worth showing" she answered, her voice so low and suddenly cracking.

"Believe me, it is a good design and only a creative person can do it" She looked astonished by his statement. And for some reason she instantly wants to believe him.

"A lot of fashion company will use that! Believe in your work" he added glancing down at her.

She smiled holding the cups tightly as they reached the elevator, "Try showing it to Director Riyaa and see, she will be stunned" she nodded smiling.

"So, the Grinch cares!" she said, grinning as they entered the elevator, he rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Don't think too much about it, just do what is right" he said, as the elevator stopped. He quickly walked out hoping Alishaa didn't see his pink face. From the way he felt his ears heat up he could tell, he is flustered.

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon