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To every action there's always an equal an opposite reaction



Alishaa has been working on the papers Riyaa gave her, walking back and forth from her desk to Riyaa's office and other departments. She had to skip lunch in order to finish it and had only stopped to pray.

"Alhamdulilah done!" She sighed leaning on her chair, she has been wanting to go home just like every worker at the time office closes, but she didn't have the easiest boss. She stood up taking the arranged papers with her to Riyaa's office, she knocked on the door waiting for a response,

"Come in" She placed the papers on Riyaa's desk, that is looking more organized than earlier.

"All done?" Riyaa asked, "All done" She replied

"Nice job on your first day, my previous assistants take forever to finish"

"Thank you," Alishaa smiled gracefully, Riyaa nodded and turned to her computer.

"See you tomorrow," Alishaa added turning to leave, "Where are you going?" Riyaa asked, raising her right brow. "Home" Alishaa muttered slowly

"You are not going anywhere until I tell you" She stated every word carefully, Alishaa pouted but quickly nodded stepping backwards. "Yes, Manager Ma"

"Good, now go and have some food" Alishaa nodded going out, a smile settled on her face.

At least she knows I didn't have lunch. Maybe she's not as bad as I thought

Alishaa charged through the empty hallways as fast as she can heading to the cafeteria, leading her to slip falling on the floor as she reached the Refreshment department.

"Ouch, Ya Allah" She groaned in pain rubbing her back. She stopped groaning and whining when she heard a laughing sound. She looked up her eyes trailed on a tall guy in a black suit, he had black hair and brown eyes.

He looks older than me, which means he's an annoying 26 years man

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" he asked, unable to stop his laughter as she stood up quickly

"Sorry for bumping into you-"

"No, you didn't bump into me, you bumped into the floor," he said laughing hard and she pouted,

"Come on it is funny! You fell alone" he added after seeing her face

"Well true" She laughed out.

"I am Rashid" He extended his hands, "Alishaa, but I can't shake your hands" She waved her dirty hands. She had removed her gloves earlier forgetting to put it back.

"Are you going to the cafeteria too?" he asked, "Yeah, I missed lunch" She doesn't warm up quickly to people but she found herself comfortably talking to him, it could be the hunger.

"Oh god me too, Let's go?"

"Sure" They walked into the cafeteria finding Chef Huda by the kitchen door

"Salaam Auntie," Alishaa said smiling, she was the first lady who was nice to her in the company.

"Wa'alaikumSalaam Lisha" Chef Huda replied mirroring her expression, "How are you and work?"

"Alhamdulillah" Alishaa turned looking for Rashid, who hasn't said anything yet. She found him hiding away from Chef Huda.

"You again?" Chef Huda said, noticing Rashid, she puts her hands on her waist and playfully glared at him. "Yes, me again" He replied looking anywhere but at her

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now