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"I am sure you don't want to keep staring at me with all this stuff in your hand" he repeated when he saw she made no move to enter. She blinked coming back to reality, "You always manage to embarrass me every time we meet" she murmured to herself entering the flat.

"What are doing in my house?" she asked placing down the stuff on the coffee table in the sitting room. "Aunt N-" he started saying but got cut off by Naadir and Rashid's voices, "Lishy" she rounded him and walked to them by kitchen door, "Nashy! Rashy" she smiled widely at each of them.

Why Didn't she smile at me? Because-

"Faaris" A voice cut off his thoughts, he blinked and turned to them. "Yeah?"

"Come join us," Alishaa said trying to be nice thinking she was mean earlier.

"Nahh, he wants to go and work, he always works" Rashid said laughing.

Faaris pressed his lips and nothing less ignored them as they started laughing. He leaned on the listening to the three of them chatting about movies and random stuff. He tried joining in but he wasn't updated anyways, it will be hard to catch on. He looked around thinking of something to do, he saw a glimpse of Nadiya in the kitchen, he stood straight and went to her.

"Hey, what are doing here?" she said smiling at him, he found her smile comforting. Something he hadn't seen in elders around him since his grandmother's death.

"I just came to help you" he replied, she chuckled shaking her head, "I don't need much help dear"

"I insist" she bit her lips then nodded, "Okay then, you can cut the onions and carrots" He nodded and walked to the door where a hanger was placed, different kinds of towels and aprons hung on it. He took a blue apron and walked to the counter putting it on. He took one of the five carrots and looked at it, "is it good?" Nadiya's voice brought him out of his thoughts, "it is very fresh" he replied, "Uhum, Alishaa buys the vegetables. She has good eyes" she stated, he glanced up and nodded, he started cutting the carrots.

"So where are you from?" He was quiet thinking about his answer that he almost went deep, "It is okay there was a time, I didn't want to say that also" Nadiya said again, "I came from Lebanon" he replied shortly, "Ooh," She nodded thoughtfully. He noticed her expression saddened the moment he said that, but continued cutting the carrot. There was a short silence between them that was uncomfortable to both of them.

Faaris got tired and broke the silence, "Are you also from there?"

She nodded saying, "We moved here when Alishaa was 13"

"Are you here for work or?"

"Yes, i am here for work"

"I saw your mom leaving yesterday, she wasn't quite happy though" His expression changed to the same one Nadiya had earlier, he almost cut off his finger. Nadiya saw that but didn't say anything, until seconds later. "Sometimes we fight with our loved ones then end up hating ourselves for treating them badly when we were angry, because they have the most special part in our hearts" He hummed nodding.

She closed the pan with its lid and turned to him, "Just like me and Alishaa, I always annoy her, she never complains but I know it. I make sure to know what to annoy her with, the deep things will always be deep and when you poke the heart too many times it will be forever wounded"

"She's the only reason I am still alive today" Faaris was surprised she was sharing her stories with him. You can see how strong their relationship is from a far, something he craved since he was a child.

He looked up at Alishaa through the window, she was laughing with Naadir and Rashid. He squinted his eyes to see if she was laughing extra with Naadir or it was his thinking. He didn't know how long he had been looking at Alishaa until he heard Nadiya's voice calling him, "Yes Aunt?"

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt