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Alishaa looked at Faaris thinking of a good lie to tell, knowing Faaris always seems to fish the truth out of her

"O--f course not!" She replied after a little stutter

"But I saw it" He was sure it was a man but didn't really see the face. He hoped his assumptions are true

"It is Renzo in a suit" She said confidently, trying to make him believe her after looking at his face which didn't look convinced, she changed the subject.

"What are you doing here?"

"It is the rooftop of the building i live at" She stood still raising one of her brows looking at him

"Okay I came to see you"

"Why would you want to see me?" Alishaa noticed when Faaris first came, his eyes were a little red and his hair was messy, making it seem like he cried. She decided to be dramatic knowing she wasn't ready to face Faaris breaking down in her presence and the thought he cried all alone is terrifying to her.


"Well I don't want to talk to you!"

"That's why I'm here, my behaviour earlier wasn't nice"

"Not enough"

"Well I want-"

"Oh I forgot I am not talking to you, bye!" She said and ran back inside her apartment, after carefully going down the ladder.

"Are you really doing this?!!" He sighed and walked back through the door thinking of how to calm Alishaa down.

"I don't like him, I just cried because Nihaal was very sad and she's his sister, I don't want to see her sad" Said Alishaa explaining that she doesn't have any feelings towards Faaris

"Okay that doesn't make sense" Said Naadir

"Oh he is not back yet, when is he coming back?" Rashid said in a female mimicking Alishaa's voice.

"That's not how I speak" She kicked his left leg.

"Just admit you like him, and we leave you" Said Nihaal smiling widely

"I don't like him!!"

"Like who?" Asked Faaris who came into the living room.

"No one" Replied Alishaa quickly. Looking at them, one after the other, he nodded turning to Alishaa


"I am going to the kitchen, anyone wants something?" She asked cutting him off


"Water" Said Nihaal

"Me too" Naadir added after her. She nodded walked to the kitchen, ignoring Faaris and his stare.

"She mad at ya?" Asked Naadir


"Wishing you all the best bro, you got a tough one" Said Rashid. Nihaal hit him on the arm, making yell in a high pitched dramatic voice

"Do something you know she likes and be sincere-" Said Nihaal

"Do that while smiling please" Naadir added

"Yeah that!" Nihaal pointed at Naadir.

Faaris rolled his eyes at them and went to meet Alishaa in the kitchen. She scoffed when she saw him coming in

"And why are you here Mr?" She asked in a fake British accent, which she failed miserably, intertwining her fingers together while looking at him

"You will be a successful actress if you try acting" He said sarcastically, she rolled her eyes ignoring him

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now