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Alishaa walked out of the restaurant that Renzo told her to get a pie from, she eyed the pie weirdly again for the tenth time since she bought it, the same way she looked at Renzo who asked her to buy the pie for him. She clearly remember Mrs Hooda has it in the cafeteria, she roll off the thought from her head agreeing it's Renzo after all, weirdness is not something new.

She walked softly humming to Adele's 'Someone like you' that she heard from a shop she walked by. She was about to Cross the road when she notice a girl whose shoe was stuck in a hole and a car was speeding down the same road. She unconsciously dropped the pie and ran to the girl, she helped her remove her leg from the hole. Immediately they got it out, they crossed the road as the car sped passed them, with the driver yelling series of insults their way.

"You should have stopped idiot, I will show who the boss is, ya ibin Halal!" Yelled the girl throwing her one leg shoe.

Alishaa turned her head to get a good look at the girl. She is definitely Arabian from her dressing, accent and her skin colour, it was light brown and slightly golden. She was wearing a white long gown with black veil tide on her head that is now loose due to the little accident she had, showing her brown hair.

"Salaam?" Said the girl smiling widely at Alishaa

"Wa'alaikumsalaam, Are you okay?" Relied Alishaa immediately

"Good as new, I think we should stand up though, they are giving weird looks" Said Nihaal looking around the street. Alishaa nodded in agreement and stood up, giving her hand to Nihaal to take, which she responded to very quickly.

"Check the road carefully next time"

"InshaAllah, thank you"

"You are welcome, I will take my leave now, I am supposed to be at work, but how will you walk without a shoe?"

"Oh sorry I interrupted your work and as for me I will just be another foreigner who is lost in America without her Identity and definitely without a shoe" Said Nihaal dramatically, as she tried to test the kindness of Alishaa that Rashid told her about.

"You don't have anything with you?"

"Yeah, well you see I lost my backpack which has my everything in it, I usually stay at a hotel but I can't now, so now I will just wait for my brother's to search for me, they are coming to the States too"

"Oh, so now what will you do?"

"To be honest I have no clue" Alishaa nodded her head thinking whether she should take her to her house or not. Her mother wouldn't mind because she does that sometimes too, she is always the one against it.

"You can come with me till your brother's find you that's if it is okay with you?"

"Why on earth will it not be okay, I am literally homeless right now...Thank you" She jumped and hugged her. Alishaa hesitated before slightly hugging her back

"Not a hugger?"

"Not really"

"Well then you should get used to it Alishaa" Her eyes widened realising she just called her with her name. She quickly thought of a solution before her plan fails.

"Don't be scared you have a tag on you"

"Oh right!! I tend to forget it" She said and removed it immediately putting it in her pocket. Nihaal sighed in relief realising she believed her.

"I will take you to my house and go back to work, don't worry you won't be alone my mother is there she will take care of you"

"She wouldn't mind, she always does that too" She assured her after seeing the hesitation on her face.


Alishaa was never okay with being close to strangers except for work purposes. It scared her how she is becoming comfortable with people coming into her life lately, and the fact that she is really comfortable with them. One thing is for sure the boys changed her live indeed.

"So you met on the street?" Asked Nadiya seating on the couch in her living room across Alishaa and Nihaal.

"Yeah, now I need to find my backpack and how to contact my brothers"

"Oh it is okay, you are always welcome here"

"Thank you ma'am"

"Oh please call me MamaNadee" She nodded smiling

"I will go and rest now, don't stay up all night, okay?"

"But Maah tomorrow is Sunday, I had to work today because of Renzo" Whined Alishaa

Nihaal watched as the mother and daughter bond together, wishing she had the same bond with her mother but knowing her mother she will never have the kind of bond.

"Hey, what's up?" Asked Alishaa touching her elbow

"Oh nothing just thinking about my mother"

"Ay she must be worried, try getting in contact with her"

"No she wouldn't mind I am sure she is chilling with the weekend ladies"


"Oh it is nothing I just know my mom and I will never be able to live alone"

"Don't say that she definitely loves you so much"

"I wish it is true but I am sure as hell it is not"

Silence fell between them, the only sound can be heard is the movie playing on the TV which they are both not paying attention to. Alishaa could see a little bit of sadness on Nihaal's face but she knows she has no right to pry into her life hours after meeting her.

"So what brought you to New Jersey?"

"I came to meet my brother he recently moved here but now I can't with my lost stuff"

"Don't worry we will find him inshaAllah"

"You know in my whole life of living you and MamaNadee are the first strangers to be nice to me without any demands"

"Thank you"

"Should we go to bed? It is your first day here i don't want to keep you awake for too long"

"Or that you are scared MamaNadee will deal with you for staying in late"

"Well that too" She replied and started laughing. Alishaa got up turning all the appliances off, leaving the light to be the last.

"This is not much but it can do for now" Said Alishaa looking around the guest room of her house. It has a plain white paint on the wall with two posters of New Jersey and a verse from the holy Qur'an. The bed placed in the middle covered with brown bed sheets and a warmer.

"Are you kidding me? For a homeless person this first class" Said Nihaal jumping on the bed and laid on the pillows sighing.

"I can really just sleep now" She said making Alishaa chuckle

"Well it is good that I am here, you can sleep already, I will turn off the lights and also I kept some clothes on the drawer over here, you can wear it in the morning"


"Yeah?" Answered Alishaa as she reached the bedroom door

"You are one of those rare things to find around the world we living, thank you"

"Aw do not compliment me please, you deserve more, can I ask you a question?"


"How comes you can speak so fluent in English? You said it is your second time in the states"

"Well about that it has to do with my school in Beirut, they teach us English"

"Oh that is amazing but-"

"Lishaa I really want to sleep"

"Alright alright good night" She said and closed the door. Nihaal stared at the grey colour ceiling thinking about how her day went and slightly feeling guilty for lying to Alishaa and her mother, but she believes it is for the better, she had to lie for her brother. He deserves happiness after all the sacrifice.

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ