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"You know how I always get scared of darkness or whenever I get too close to someone I get rashes and panic attacks? Well we used live in Lebanon with Mama and my Dad in a mansion and everything was available later on, his business collapsed and we moved in together with his two brothers that lived with his mother"

"So our situation got worst day by day and it was hard for him especially when his brothers started showing their other side it wasn't even that bad at the time, until he decided to go and have a way out, so he left us with them and never came back after he promised" Faaris saw sadness taking over her expression. 

"Then that is where things got really bad, and his mother couldn't do anything because she was not seeing clearly, later on we were made maids and I was just 10"

"If it was only the working it will be better but it was something else, we got daily beatings mostly on Mama though. And the last time Mama got tired, it was when my uncle's wife tried burning me, so we ran and oh they lock us too after 8 in the night and then unlock at 5 in the morning for us to work. It was a very dark storage room so I got that from there, they lock me alone sometimes"

"We left and then mistakenly went to an agency where we thought it is an orphanage, Mama thought of working there even if it free as long as we have a roof over us and they thought Mama is maid so a family took us with them. We stayed with them for three years then they moved to New Jersey and they took us their maids with them, they were very high profile, and then Mama put me in a school and then got an apartment here, she kept me there to avoid having problems with family she works with"

"So after some years the man died and then all the workers were sent away his son took over everything, thankfully he gave Mama a chef position at his restaurant. After the Beirut things I closed up and basically lived with no friends always alone with my mother or the older people at the compound"

"I finished secondary school and went to University where I met Druvh my first friend and Richard's assistant who at first acted like my friend until it went down at Richards, he tried to attack me in an elevator thankfully it opened and I kneed him" He let go of her hands but she didn't focus on that and decided to finish the story once for all.

"So I started avoiding him and because of that I became allergic touch and it is all because I had a lot of fears I cannot face, the lies hating, the lack of trust! So everything just mixed up" She looked up at him after hearing silence. He face held so much anger as his eyes watered turning red. She smiled and looked down at his hand that is shaking, she took it and it stopped shaking after she patted him trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry yourself over it"

"You didn't deserve any of it, neither does Mama-Nadee" His voice came out as a whisper

"But this how our story is written"

"I am sorry for making you remember"

"No, I should thank you because it is the first time I talked to someone about it and you gave me courage since we made. I am just weak that I broke down every single chance I get"

"You are the strongest I have met, I always thought my life was hard but yours is a different dimension and yet you lived through it, I am glad I married you because you became an inspiration to me now"

"You know i wanted to take Richard's matters into my own hands the Ahfaad way but decided it is the only for you fight your fears"

"Wait you knew about the evidence i had?"

"I just know a little after i found one of the papers on your suitcase, i am sorry for going into your personal stuff"

"You are the one that kept it on the dresser, i saw it the morning Renzo came here... Thank you Faaris"

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now