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"Why are you asking me that now? Making my mother proud of course"

"Then this is the moment you should get hold of. Becoming confident and walking into the building like a successful designer which you are is what you should do now"

"But what if I don't make the good expression?" She questioned in a low voice finally looking at his face instead of the cameras and crowd outside.

"You shouldn't care about that all you need to do is making MamaNadee proud and tonight is your chance, end it well" She closed her eyes slowly exhaling and inhaling.

You got this Lishaa all you wanted is to make Mama proud and to meet the GA, you got this!

"Let's go but you are coming with me right?"

"Of course you are still registered to my company"

"Oh right!"

"Alishaa I believed in you because you deserve it and you are very talented do not let it all go to waste, let's do this okay? You can hold onto me if you like, since you have gloves and long sleeves there wouldn't be direct contact alright?"

"Okayy, let's get it over with but where is Druvh?"

"He is already inside together with the others" He answered getting out of the car. He rounded to the owner's side and opened the door to Alishaa, soon she was on display on the spotlight and available cameras.

"It is Faaris Ahfaad finally making appearance on the media after months of disappearing but with a beautiful and mysterious hijabi girl who happens to wear one of the most beautiful dresses tonight! Stay tuned for more" Said one of the reports looking over at Faaris and Alishaa who are walking on the red carpet to the front doors. Alishaa stayed next to Faaris the entire time before going into the building as he walked around greeting people of different kinds, surprising Alishaa more. One question kept running through her mind who is Faaris Ahfaad? From the looks of it and how he was known and respected it wasn't the first time he was on spotlight or attended a red carpet show like she was. But decided to let go of the questions and thank Faaris for bring her along, knowing that not all CEO's are like that, people like Richard.

She has never felt comfortable being around someone like she is next to Faaris, it was like he was making her feeling like a normal day event and not an exclusive one.

Occasionally asking her if she is okay and if she would rather be with Naadir, Nihaal and Rashid than with him, which she quickly declined to.

"Alishaa keep quiet for some minutes please, at least for the Award show" Said Faaris after seeing Alishaa hasn't been talking for a while

"I wasn't even talking" She replied rolling her eyes forgetting about her nervousness

"I heard it"

"Keep quiet already I am listening" He looked at her and smiled as she was focusing on the presentation. He was glad to be able to witness her achieve one of her dreams and prayed to witness more.


"I can't believe this, I got an award today! Ya Allah, Faaris, can you believe this? But do you think I deserve it I mean they were a lot of designers out there that are better than me!" Said Alishaa in a panicky tone for the third time since they left the award show.

"You can return it you know?" He said looking at her.

"No need to be mean! I am just saying do i really deserve this?" She asked still looking at the Award in her hand, as she remembered the days when she worked with Richards he wouldn't even let her come to show and today everything is completely hers.

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now