_CHAPTER {10}_

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Nifaas always been at the top of her game and their problems barely last a week. Even though Faaris is back at the company he couldn't find a solution, he has conquered problems deeper than this but taking over an actual fashion company isn't something he thought he would plan on. It has always been Nihaal's work, taking over it now made him wonder if she actually enjoys it as she says.

With the number of staff's decreasing, load of work has been on Alishaa. This is the most she had worked in her life making her reconsider her decision of been an assistant, but her mother is on the line and she deserves some rest.

The door opened widely banging on the wall making Faaris turn to look at it, Renzo entered panicking. "We are losing a lot of money, King and our clients" he said pacing around Faaris's office, "I know Renzo, but in order to succeed we need to use money" Faaris said leaned back on his seat, pushing back his specs on his nose.

"But if we finish all the money we have, how will we be able to pay the workers?" He sat down on the chair across Faaris, crossing his hands. "We will pay them don't worry"

He sat straight an idea crossing his mind, "Have you finally decided to be an Ahfaad again?"

Faaris frowned immediately then sighed sitting straight. "This isn't about using my money Renzo. It is about saving the company with my own efforts" he stated.

Renzo decided to drop the conversation seeing Faaris's reaction. "Okay! I knew not accepting Richard's, A&X's offers will bring our downfall"

"Haven't you realized they are trying to take the company? The moment we give them 51% it isn't ours anymore"

"But we can get it back, you said you will give the shareholders 51% if we didn't make progress in two weeks"

"No, we cannot, it wouldn't be that easy! And I know I said that, but that will not happen. We will have a solution by then" He removed his glasses and kept them on the desk, running a hand through his hair.

"This week is over already and we gained nothing, except we lost more than usual, the shareholders are ready to take over"

"I am aware of that. Now tell the designing team I am giving them three days to make a breakthrough" he said turning to his laptop, "Three days to create dresses that aren't possible" Renzo said throwing his hands upwards. "It will be! Just tell them that" Renzo stared at him, waiting for him to change his statement but Faaris kept on scrolling through his Mac-book ignoring him. He let out a groan and stood up, "You never listen to what someone says" he mumbled, going to the door.

"Ya Allah! I hope I am on the right path whatever I am doing now" Faaris said, the moment Renzo is out of sight. Wanting to get his mind straight he decided to forget about it for a couple of minutes, a trick he used whenever he is in tough spot. The lastminute pressure always helps out. He stood up remembering Alishaa, and walked to the CCTV cameras hoping he would see the one Hijabi girl, that he kept thinking about.

He looked at each of the screens but didn't see her, he was about to turn back to his seat when he saw her talking with Naadir, on one of the screens. His face changed to a frown and his breathing quickened a little, he turned away from the screen the moment they bought started laughing.

Does she know Naadir too? He lives in the same place as her remember? Could it be just a normal relationship?

Wait what?! What's wrong with me?


The design team were almost at the peak of their collection, Riyaa realized the number of dresses were not much. "We should do a dress today," Riyaa said to the designing team, looking at the rough sketch she made. They rounded the big long desk in the middle of the sketch and design room, half of it was covered with fabrics and materials while the other is sketches.

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