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Alishaa groaned as her alarm went off, she turned around without getting up and shut the alarm, throwing her phone on the floor. After some minutes she heard a knock on her door.

"Mama just five more minutes!" She yelled but the knocking continued.

"I get it just stop knocking and come in it is way better!" She yelled again getting up with her eyes still closed.

"I will definitely get used to mornings like this" She heard a deep low voice, she opened her eyes and saw Faaris standing by the door with a cup in his hand, smirking at her.

"What are you doing in my house early in the morning? And my room?" She asked her eyes widening

"We are married wifey and you are in my house, get up and get ready for work!" She looked around the plain white and grey walls room with one single big bed and brown closet doors. Finally remembering reality, she screamed loudly.

"Nice way for a reality check, remember to brush your hair first" Said Faaris trying to holding a laugh.

"Oh god get out already, I hate ya!" She yelled throwing a pillow in his direction he laughed loudly and closed the door.

"Now that is a good morning" He muttered to himself and walked to the kitchen with a smile on his face. He can't help but get use to the environment in New Jersey. Not once did he think he will have peace in his life and people that will make him happy and loved without the intention of having his money.

Living with Alishaa and her mother over the last nine months gave him nothing but joy, he knows with the kind of life he has back in Lebanon sooner or later there will be problems around the little happiness he has now.

"Thinking about me?" Questioned Alishaa seating in front of him, he looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I have nothing to do!"

"Can't you be nice for once? And shouldn't you be at work?" He stood up straightening his suit Jacket as she stood up too. He noticed she changed the way of her dressing instead of light coloured outfits she has been wearing dark coloured.

"Following my style now?" She looked at him confusedly before looking at her black jeans, blue knee height button up shirt to her black coat and blue veil around her head.

"Ogh you wish it is just time to change my dressing besides this is a way to show off my new collection" She smiled

"Oh wow, I see living with me now is making you smart, couldn't be more prouder"

"Oh god get over yourself Mr Ahfaad" She groaned taking her bag walking to the door.

"Sure Mrs Ahfaad! Where are you going?" She ignored his remark and took her shoe by the door and walked out with him following her out.

"I will greet Mama and head to work"

"I will wait for you downstairs then"

"No, no we are not going together"

"Why not?" He frowned

"Bro you are the CEO of the company I work in, I don't want to be the headline of the week, I got enough question when I became the designer of the company!"

"People will always talk Alishaa, so we are going together-"

"Besides Druvh is coming to pick me up!" Faaris frowned at the mention of Druvh.

"You prefer going with him? He is also an employee of the company"

"Yeah but he is not the CEO, I won't get lots of attention"

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now