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"Did you really need to step that low Maraam?" Asked Aheel standing by the window looking at the garden of his mansion. He loves this woman this woman so much that he look passed every mistake she has done for the passed they had shared and for their kids but right now everything is out of hand.

"I was just trying to protect him" His voice came out low and shaky, she couldn't forget the disappointment look on Faaris's face and what broke her the most is how broken he looked when Alishaa handed him back the necklace.

"How is that protection? I protect him by sending spies to keep him safe to make sure he doesn't end up in some kind of foreign trouble, I searched on Alishaa and I knew who she is but I kept quiet because that girl is what my boy needs" He yelled turning to her, his eyes softened seeing her crying in her hands.

"I always told you the ladies are not there for your favour but your properties, they destroyed what is between us and now our children's lives!

"And I will not let that happen, I haven't taken any action the last 15 to 16 years but right now I am on the edge"

"Why are you trying to put that on me? Yes I am getting between Faaris and his wife but you pretty much caused us to split" She turned to him

"How did I do that? I went to a trip and you started acting distant and then been rude and have completely changed"

"What will you do if you find out when you are preparing for your husband's return that he has been cheating?" She yelled, his frown turned into confusion, he walked forward and sat next to her, it was an conscious act that he still hasn't noticed.


"Don't try and play dumb"

"I honestly don't know understand what you are saying"

"Haven't you been going out with Madam Noon's sister when you say you went on business trip?"

"No and I only saw her sister once at your birthday that year and I don't even know her name"

"I heard the conversation, I still have it wait" She removed her phone and searched for something on the phone, while he sat down waiting for her to play whatever she heard.

"This is not my voice Maraam it is Ameers" He replied her. Ameer is his brother who he has a beef with because of Maraam, he claimed to be in-love with her, his brother's wife. She kept quiet and stared down at her hands that were shaking, she forgot Ameer has the same voice as Aheel and after listening again she knows it is Ameer, not that she finished listening the last time. She just made sure she stored it for this purpose, for a long time. After thinking for some minute he placed his hands on hers, she immediately started crying again.

"I am so sorry Aheel, I didn't know she told me it was you and how she was after you and I deeply believed her please forgive me, I didn't even finish listening and then-" She cried some more, his own eyes became glassy remembering all they have been through and what their kids went through because of the this misunderstanding.

"I will only forgive you if you fix your son Maraam" She nodded her head trying to clean her eyes from tearing up, he pulled her close and hugged her. He always hated distance from his family and this has already broke and destroyed him.


Faaris stood by the window looking at Alishaa sleeping by her mother's bed, he walked to the door and slowly opened it without waking either of the up. He took Nadiya's hands and kissed it and placed it back. He walked towards Alishaa smiling after seeing she is still wearing her wedding ring, he quickly walked out when she moved a little like she is about to wake up.

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