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The lights on the stage were shining very bright, reflecting on the chairs, making its glitters glow. Faaris was satisfied with Renzo's work on the theme, as the screens and the walls display the space with a lot shining stars and a moon. His mind went to the models, Alishaa and Riyaa as they rehearsed, waking down the runaway, in Alishaa's beautiful collection and her collaboration with Riyaa, not that he can actually differentiate, if not for Renzo coming out to say the collections names.

His mind went to Alishaa, he saw her guiding a model on the stage and arranging her dress. It is a beautiful scene to watch, as she puts all her efforts into the fashion show, making sure everything goes perfectly. He has always liked people who work their heads off to get the work done, especially when they have passion for it. Thinking about Alishaa's fashion arrangements and efforts, he realized he has being liking a lot of things about her, which made him think his friends were right about him falling for her, since he has been doing nothing but loving everything she does. As he was about to conclude what he feels towards Alishaa, Renzo called him.

"What happened Renzo?"

"You staring at her too much" Said Renzo leaning on Naadir's shoulder, both having big smiles on their faces, which looked weird to Faaris.

"What?" He raised his right brow, pretending to not know what they are talking about.

"It's not going to work right now, you better admit or you will lose her right under your nose" He said peeking at Alishaa where she is laughing at something Druvh said

"Yeah i can see that happening, you need to add your pace bro" Faaris followed their eyes and saw Alishaa laughing, which is beautiful to him, then frowned after seeing her with Druvh. She looked up and locked eyes with him, but he immediately turned around, not wanting her to witness the jealousy that is visible in his blue eyes. Remembering that she told him his eyes changes according to his mood, almost like hers but in a different way. 

"Don't you have work to do? Get to work, the show is tomorrow!" He said in a very serious tone and turned walking out of the hall. Naadir and Renzo looked at each other, smiling wider.

"I knew he has feelings for her" Renzo cheered in a high-pitch girly voice, making some of the staff to stop and look at them, him in particular.


It was finally the day of the fashion show, that everyone at Nifaas and other fashion companies have been waiting for. And for the ones getting ready to select the ones to buy, after a short 40seconds video of one of the collection has been secretly leaked with the caption what is Nifaas Inc at this time, it seems like Richards is going to have a hard time under it. Faaris wasn't worried about it, knowing it wouldn't bring a problem to them. It is the day of showcase it after all.

"Alright! Nifaas, we have been together for 10years and now this is the time we finally gain the position we deserve. It doesn't matter if we didn't get best place what matters is we are together in this and we have each other's support, it will just be another of our journeys. Thank you all the managers, directors and their teams for their work, we believed in you and now it's time to make the world believe in us!" Said Faaris at the backstage of the show, where most members of his company is present. They all clapped theirs hands, muttering prayers and motivational words.

"Let's get started!" All the employees ran to their space of work. Walking up and down in the backstage, make up artists, backstage photographers, and models, getting ready.
Alishaa and Riyaa walking around making sure everything's in order, as the models of the first collection lined up.

Renzo, came next to Faaris whispering all the guest has arrived and it is his time to seat on the front row. He was about to workout, when he made eye contact with Alishaa, who is trying to act normal but is very nervous.

"Trust yourself and believe" He mouthed to her, since there's a little bit of distance between them, there's a possibility she wouldn't hear him, and with all the shouting and noise of the backstage. She looked closely as he repeated the sentence again. She nodded her after grabbing it and smiled. He gave her a small smile and walked out. She stood looking at the dimly light corridor where he was standing. Thinking about how easily his motivations work on her.

Faaris took a seat on the front row in-between Rashid and Naadir. Who were dressed in a blue and white suit similar to Faaris's but different colour as his is in black. Their face blank having no expression visible on it.

"Welcome to the 2022 Winter/Fall fashion of Nifaas Inc, grab your pen and book, oh right and your snack, photographers get ready with your camera's, as the show we all have been waiting for is about to showcase. First we have the ready-to-wear collection by Riyaa Muhammad, five times designer of the year"  Said Renzo as he stood on the stage his outfit different than earlier, having a grey suit on, which was designed by Riyaa.

The lights got dimmed, giving the space theme more appearance. There's drum beats, as the models line up on the runaway from the backstage door. "The greatest showman song" started playing on, as blue lights show on the first model as she walks down the runway, in a high neck, knee length satin A-line skirt dress and with an Ankle strap heels. Her ginger straight hair, falling to the side.

"We got a problem Lishaaa, we need you" Said short stylist, who is even shorter than Alishaa. Trying catch her breath from the run. Alishaa rearranged the Swan like dress clip, after making sure the model was ready, she turned her attention to the short red haired stylist.

"What is it?"

 "Druvh's suit tore mistakenly and Director Ma said you should handle it!"

"That's my masterpiece suit!" Yelled Alishaa and ran to where Druvh was standing.

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