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Everything happens for a reason


Nadiya walked into her sitting room humming to an Indian song she heard from the TV series she watches. Alishaa laid on the couch looking at the ceiling mentally sketching a dress. "Lishh, get up and take this to Emily," She jumped up landing on her feet collecting the red leather bag from her mom.

"Okay, but what's this for?" she asked, looking at the bag, "I just feel like giving her something... Why am I explaining? I am the mother here" Nadiya replied, walking away to the kitchen, Alishaa nodded wrapping her head with a black veil, and headed out.

She walked down the stairs reciting the verses of the Qur'an in a slow voice and after minutes of walking around she reached the coffee shop.

"Yoo Lisha where have you been all day? It's Saturday" Zack asked, the moment he saw her, he was sitting on top of a table swinging his legs back and forth. "I was having a day rest day" she replied.

"Then why are you outside? And what do you have in your hand?" he asked trying to get a clear view of what was in Alishaa's hand.

"Something! Where's MaEmily?" Alishaa asked, hiding it behind her back. "In the kitchen, I see you used the name I suggested, now let me see it please" He pleaded, stepping in front of her making sure there is space between them Alishaa stepped back a little.

"Yeah, you finally have done something sensible, Now move" She glared, making him move without another word and went through the backdoor. Emily was by the dishwasher removing plates and placing them on the counter. "Good afternoon, Lisha" She beamed seeing Alishaa,

"Good afternoon MaEmily, Mama said I should bring this to you"

"Oh, she always does this god! Tell her thank you" She beamed even more looking into the bag. "Sure do!"

The door opened loudly hitting the wall making them both look at it, "Sorry Mom, but I have to take Lisha with me" Rose spoke in a breath and dragged Alishaa out before her mom could reply. "This girl" Emily shook her head at the closed door.

"Where are going, Rose?" Alishaa asked, Rose didn't reply but continued dragging her.

"We are going to Moonlight, Gina needs you" Rose replied, as they exited the shop, Alishaa pulled Rose back, saying, "No Rose, I quit working there,"

"I know but you still didn't tell Gina, right?"

"Yeah, but I am telling her today" Rose nodded repeatedly and started dragging her again, "I know how about you perform one last show and that's it?"

"Please Lisha, save a life!"

"Why do you want me to do that?"

"You remember when I got you the part time job there?"


"You said you would do anything I ask and this is it"

"But Rosey, I-"

"Please Lisha" Rose was about to go on her knees when I Alishaa stopped her nodding hesitantly, "Okay okay! I will go home first".

"There's no need, I know Mama-Nadee is going to be at the restaurant now and you have nothing to do, so let's go"

"But my clothes" Alishaa pouted stomping her feet down, "You and I both know you have clothes there" Rose said rolling her eyes, "Alright fine, let's go" Rose grinned and dragged Alishaa to her Toyota Camri 2014.


"Yes Naads, we will meet them at the restaurant," Faaris said, as he entered the car, Naadir sat on the passenger seat going through his iPad. "Okay, Where Rashid?" he asked looking back at the empty parking lot, "He decided to change clothes" Naadir raised his brow, "More like you made him change" Faaris sighed starting the car, "Whatever fits your boat"

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