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Faaris left the party ground the moment he got a chance and started looking for his mother.

"Hello Fiancé"

"I don't have time for you Samira" He said and kept walking into his house

"You will when you marry me"

"I suggest if you just tell me where mother is, it will be better" He turned and glared at her

"Don't tell me you don't know? I know you are not close to your mother but what about your assistant?"

"I will not marry you and will you tell me or not?"

"Dude chill I am not that excited either even though I like you, she is in the third living room-" He didn't wait for her to finish and walked off looking for his mother.

Naadir stood in the middle of the hallways of Ahfaad mansions not knowing what to do, Faaris had been loyal to him and he was involved in a plan against him, knowing he has someone he loves. He let out a sigh leaning onto the wall. Looking up he saw Faaris coming his way, probably to meet his mother since she is two doors away from the.

"I am sorry bro, I didn't mean to hurt you" He said quickly, Faaris stared at him not saying anything

"I was going to tell you but ma'am warned-"

"Give me your phone and unlock it" He said cutting him off, he looked confused before removing his phone and handed it to him

He clenched his fist as he read the messages between his Mother and Naadir. He knew his mother wasn't nice to Naadir but not to this extent. He threw the phone on the floor his eyes turning red as he became angrier.

He walked quickly towards the living room door where he was told his mother is at. Looking at the situation Naadir called Rashid immediately, scared of things getting out of hand.

"Everyone except an Ahfaad should get out" Said Faaris coming into the room, looking at his expression they all walked out of the room, excluding Samira's parent.

"Control your anger son" Whispered Maryam coming in

"I don't remember you being an Ahfaad" Said Faaris looking at the Noon Family.

"That is not how you talk to your in-laws Faaris" Scolded Maraam getting up

"It is okay I will forgive him this time since he is-"

"I told you to go but you refuse so get this I am not getting married to your daughter" Said Faaris cutting him off

"So give us some space please" He said sternly and soon they both took quick steps out of the Living room, Maryam followed them and closed the door as they walked out.

"Faaris, I will not accept this behaviour" Yelled his mother

"That is not how you should talk son, calm down" Said Aheel Ahfaad

"That is why I didn't ask you and you will marry Samira"

"Mother I didn't know you will go to this extent and even bully your nephew for what fame and money? That is too low" His voice becoming low as he talked

"You are not to disrespect me Faaris I am your mother who gave birth to you"

"I never said you didn't but since I was ten you forgot what being a mother means and for who those stupid Ladies that are of no good to you, tha-" Before he could finish his sentence Maraam moved close to him and slapped him. His glasses fell of his eyes as Maraam glared at him with tears in her eyes.

Maryam walked and dragged Maraam backwards, with Faaris's eyes still on the floor. He slowly looked up to his mother his eyes turning glassy.

"And there you proved it! Naadir?" He called out to Naadir who just nodded and walked out of the room and came back a little while later.

He walked to the couch and stood over it, removing his wallet and collected the files from Naadir.

"What are you two doing? What is the file for?" She questioned 

"Bank cards that you gave Naadir, if we need help or when we have a problem with the others" He dropped two cards


"Bank cards i got after becoming CEO" He dropped three cards

"And those files contain, all the details you gave me when I first joined, and also my resignation paper"

"What do you think you are doing?" Asked Maraam

"Something i should've done a long time ago, leaving this family, the wealth, the fame, the money, and everything and the slap you gave me for those ladies indicates my last presence... i am no longer an Ahfaad. This is it, enjoy your lives, I mean in never wanted the money but for your honour I joined the business but I am done" He said and walked out of the Living room

"Aunt i tried but this is beyond my control" Said Naadir dropping his resignation letter, next to the stuff Faaris dropped. And walked out followed by Rashid and his father.

"I warned you Maraam, you lost Nihaal now Faaris too...And they will always be sad now and this time I cannot be able to handle it" Said Maryam with teary eyes and walked out.

Faaris walked out of his house, he entered his Lamborghini Aventador Sv and took off, in a very high speed. Within two minutes he was out of his very big mansion. He removed his phone and called Naadir and Rashid together in a conference call.

"Meet me in the airport in 30 or i am taking off without you" He said and hanged up after hearing an okay. He looked behind him to see a McLaren after him, looking at the plate number he knew it is Rashid's. If not for the accident he met on the road, he would've have reached earlier he thought.

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