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"What are we doing in the airport? Are you even allowed to drive up to this side?" Asked Alishaa as Druvh parked in the area which looked like a private boarding area to her. She has been living in New Jersey all her life but not once did she come to this side.

"Bro you should have been a detective instead of a designer" Said Druvh chuckling as he closed the door of the car after she got down

"Not my fault when you act like a Mafia guy"

"It is true only Faaris can shut you up, now this is my cue to leave, till we meet later" Before she could ask him, he left quickly. She stood looking at the direction he disappeared to getting more confused as ever.

She felt something drag her dress, she looked down and smiled instantly at the boy looking up at her with a smile on his face brightening up his green eyes, looking like he cannot be more than the age of seven.

"Hello darling"

"Hello my name is Nadeem but I prefer being called Nade"

"Sure Nade and I am Alishaa but I prefer being called Lishaa" He smiled nodding his head. He gestured for her to come down his height, which she obeyed to.

"Ayy..Is this for me?" She grinned wider looking at the rose he gave her

"Yes, cute just like you!" He winked at her, she chocked on her saliva and started coughing.

"Sorry, let's go and get you water" He said and started dragging her hand. She turned looking around for an adult or someone she knows, when she noticed Faaris standing by a black jet. AH Empire written in silver. What caught her attention the most is the suit Faaris wore. It is a Red suit jacket and black long sleeves underneath and black trousers. His hair newly trimmed.

Faaris stuck his hands in his pockets as he watched Alishaa walk to him, looking beautiful as ever. He looked at her dress that fitted perfectly, he was scared it wouldn't fit or she wouldn't like it. His heartbeat increased the closer she got.

They stood there looking at each other, no words said. Nade looked between them and decided to get Alishaa water before saying bye to her.

"You two are still staring at each other?" They looked down at him as he gave Alishaa a water bottle.

"The water I promised you" He added

"Aw you are such a gentleman" She said kissing his forehead, he blushed looking at her making Faaris scoff.

"Dude I told you just to get her, what took you long?" Asked Faaris looking at him

"I was being a gentleman" He replied causing Alishaa to chuckle. Faaris looked him as he grinned


"Get back to your Mom, your work is done" He pouted looking at Alishaa

"Time to go but I will always have you in my heart" Alishaa pouted picking him up

"Aww, I am really going to miss you Nadeem, you are already my best friend"

"I am?"

"Of course, you are a gentleman, kind and nice so why not?"

"You are my best friend too" He smiled and hugged her, she chuckled hugging him. Faaris stood watching Alishaa as she bonded with Riyaa's son. From looking at them one will know she definitely loves kids and will be one of the best mothers ever.

"Where did you get him from? He definitely isn't yours because he is too cute and charming" Said Alishaa as she looked at Nadeem running on the other side

"Do you mean I am not charming?"

"That is what you got from all that, I thought you know already!"

"Of course I know I am charming you don't have to keep telling me" Alishaa scoffed shaking her head

"Let's go we are running out of time" He said walking up the staircase attached to the jet

"Are proposing to me? You don't have to be nervous, I know you liked me all long"

"Yes will you marry me?" He asked her the moment they entered the jet. She stopped walking and looked at him with her mouth hang open

"Only that could shut you up" He said smirking, as she ignored him and went further into the plane.

"Woah this is beautiful, let's get down already before the owners arrive? Whose jet is it?"

"Did you seriously think I brought you here to show you the jet?"

"I mean yeah what else?" She raised her brows looking at him. He looked at her waiting for her laugh and tell him she is kidding only find she is serious.

"Only when I thought you couldn't be stupid too! Just sit there, I will be back"

"Why will I sit? I see you going to the pilot's side and there isn't anyone here, you can't fly, I really do not want to die now, I know I said I don't want to get married but I wanted to adopt kids first-"

"Alishaa shut up please! I am not flying the plane i will just check up with the pilot!"

"And also stop talking about Marriage, it is weird unless you decided to admit you have a crush on me" He said and entered the Pilot's cabin. Alishaa scoffed rolling her eyes.


Alishaa looked outside the window her heart beating fast as she saw a lot of flash lights and paparazzi's taking pictures and videos with fans surrounding some well-known celebrities that she never thought of ever meeting but what was on her mind at the moment is that she is about to be out on the red carpet of an event she doesn't know of and making it to the headlines.

"You will be okay" Said Faaris seeing her state

"How do you know? I have never been to anything this big as an official and you are not even telling me what this about" She said panicking

"Listen this is the CFDA-"

"What? Why didn't you tell me this earlier? This is one of my dreams and you didn't tell me to get ready! I don't even have an invite and-"

"This why I didn't tell you but I did tell you it is about your dream" He said calmly looking at her

"How are you calm we are at the Council of the fashion designers of America!" She yelled in a panicky voice, making her normal voice sound high pitched.

"Well maybe because I have one of the best designers with me and maybe designer of the year, I am not sure" He said smiling at her but she was scared to understand what he was saying. Looking at her once more Faaris knew he has to do something to calm her down otherwise his plan will go to waste.

"Alishaa what is the one thing you always wanted to do?"

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now