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Faaris decided to sleep at the Dhahers with the intention of staying away from his parents. Maryam Dhaher, came and knocked on his door telling him, breakfast is ready, noticing he is in the bathroom, she left a note saying breakfast is ready and went to dining room.

"Hello guys" She sang as she entered the dining room, Rashid and Aleem looked at her, with a grinning face knowing she probably has some gossip. Naadir gave them confused look but after looking at the mother and son, he started grinning too.

"So" She started as she sat next to her husband who was seated on the head seat, on the left and on the right is Rashid then Naadir.

"Oh come on tell us Mama" Whined Rashid

"I heard Faaris talking on the phone yesterday, i am pretty sure it is with a girl, and he was even laughing" Aleem's eyes widened while Rashid looked at Naadir smirking knowing who it could be.

"Faaris laughing? That's one thing we didn't see in years"

"Exactly but these two are not surprised? So it's probably not new or they have more information than us" Said the mother as she looked between Naadir and Rashid suspiciously, so does the Dad.

"Alright alright, what do we get in return?" Rashid made a pose as if it were a heated business conversation. Naadir looked between the mother and son as they look into each other's eyes as if they were secretly talking.

"I'll make you lasagna"

"Alright sealed!" He shook her out stretched hand, smirking. Aleem looked at them before rolling his eyes

"Tell us already!" He whined

"Alright there's this girl in NJ, Alishaa, oh Mom you remember her the one, you talked on the phone with, you even saw he-"

"Oh yesss, i remembered her, she's the one?" He nodded grinning

"She's seems nice and beautiful"

"Nice would be an understatement, she's amazing"

"Naads did she give him food?" Asked Maryam looking at the grinning Rashid, Naadir nodded laughing

"Almost every day" He added

"I knew it has to be something with food!"

"But she's great, should we go check on her? I really want to go and meet he-"

"Make us two, i also want to go!" Said a voice. A girl wearing a long Arabian Abaya, walked into the dining room with an apple in her hand. They all turned to her smiling. She side hugs Maryam and Aleem, and fist bumped Naadir, while she ignored Rashid. His smile slowly turned into a sad one, she smiled more after noticing that.

"Oh c'mon i was joking" She laughed and fist bumped Rashid. She walked and sat down opposite the boys, next to Maryam

"I also want to go! I really need to meet my future sister in law"

"How about we all go together with the boys?" Asked Aleem

"Nahh, Faaris will be suspicious and won't agree" Said Naadir, they kept bringing different ideas on how to go to New Jersey and how to meet Alishaa

"How about we will act like we don't know her at first and see how it goes?" Said Maryam

"And about Faaris we won't tell him, he will just see us there?" Aleem added

"Yeah that would be amazing! That way no one would be suspicious!" Said Nihaal, excitement was visible on her face.

"Suspicious about what?" Asked Faaris coming into the dining room and sat on the other head chair opposite Aleem. The chair he has always like sitting on since he was a kid.

"Oh it's just some game we are talking about? Right?" Said Rashid, he wasn't good at lying, Nihaal knowing Faaris could easily find out if they let Rashid to keep talking, she decided to talk.

"Yoo bro, i am leaving for America tomorrow, you know it is awards season and i have to check my brands there and got lots of work"

"Great, where is it at again?"

"New je- i mean New York" She corrected herself after Maryam kicked her leg. Faaris eyed them one after the other, sensing there's something going on but decided not to disturb them and let it go, he believes if it's something important he will definitely know. And from the looks of it, it's something stupid or they are taking their curiosity to the next level.

"Great, when are we leaving?" Asked Naadir to clear the awkward silence

"After the award shows, that same night"

"Did you tell Mama?" Asked Nihaal, he kept quiet but decided to answer

"She wouldn't care about it, so no" He replied, she sadly nodded looking at her food. Maryam and Aleem noticed the sadness in the two children that was more visible now and decided to create some fun.

"So Faaris tell me about your life, anything new?" Asked Aleem wiggling his brows

"No" Replied Faaris as looked at them weirdly

"What of you boys? Faaris is no fun" Said Maryam, slightly pouting

"Well yeah, Naadir got a new girlfriend, Alisha-" Before he could finish his sentence Faaris choked on his food and started coughing, Making them want to laugh. While Naadir looked scared, thinking about the questions Faaris will ask him later.

"Faaris you okay?" Asked Maryam, trying not laugh

"Yeah, Proceed Rashid" He kept the sandwich on his plate looking at Rashid

"Well as I was saying he got a girlfr-"

"Since when did you and Alishaa get together?" Faaris asked Naadir, who is sweating and looking at his plate, knowing the moment he looks at Faaris he will tell him the truth. He kicked Rashid under the table asking for help

"Oh no, I meant a female friend" Said Rashid while smiling widely at Faaris. His face turned red immediately after realising, Rashid was teasing him.

"Why does your face look red Faaris?" Asked Naadir looking at Faaris. Who rolled his eyes and continued eating his sandwich, thinking of a good come-back.

"Nihaal?" He said after a while

"Yeah?" She looked at him

"The golden fish you bought last week, Rashid killed it" Her face immediately turned red from anger

"And the reason your hair turned purple for a day is not because of the expired shampoo, Naadir added dye to shampoo"

"Bro!" Said Rashid as he and Naadir stood up and started walking backwards and soon they started running.

"I will kill you two, Bears!" She yelled and ran after them. Faaris, Aleem and Maryam laughed shaking their heads. After some silence, Rashid and Naadir's yells sounded all over the house.

"Help!!!!" Yelled Naadir in a dramatic female voice

"Let me go and check before she actually kills them" Said Aleem and went after them.

"Faaris you know she didn't mean that right, it is the ladies" Said Maryam

"That's what you have been telling me for the past years, if she didn't leave them nothing will change"


"Let it just slide Ma, I have to go now" Maryam sighed, getting sad that every time, he has ways to escape this one topic she wants to talk to him about.

"Please tell Naadir to meet me at work"

"Okay Allah Hafiz" She said as she stood up and kissed his forehead.

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now