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This has to be one of the most uncomfortable situations Alishaa has ever encountered, if not for the fake confident self she portrait they would have seen right through her, but thankfully they haven't asked the question she has been praying about.

"So when did you leave Lebanon?"

"When I was 13 with my Mom"

"What about your father?" And then there is the question she have been avoiding.


"Aunt what colour do you think is better?" Nihaal cut her off and asked, Alishaa looked at her as she smiled at her then turned to Samira's mother and Alishaa liked the daughter better with the way the mother is asking her as if she snatched her husband. Alishaa doesn't like accusing but she thinks it has to do with Maraam the way she is seated and just stare at her from time to time until when her attention was caught with something one of the women are asking.

"When is the fake wedding calling off?" Asked Samira whispering to Alishaa, she decided to play it off because this wedding may have started as fake but it is very much real now. She thought of giving it a chance maybe Faaris is the light she need in her life and all she wanted is to make her mother happy and she really loves Faaris.

And maybe because not every person will handle her moods, attitudes, trauma's like the way Faaris did, his patience with her is very unbelievable and is making her fall for him. The man is slowly wining her heart.

"What fake wedding?"

"Nice one but I am pretty sure he married you just to save you from some contract" Alishaa started getting more angry at the fact that he told her all that besides the way she is acting.

"Whoever told you that wants to be on the good picture of your life"

"I heard them talking so no reason to be denying it or I could just tell Aunt Maraam"

"Go ahead, it is not like you have any evidence" Nihaal cut saving Alishaa for the most part of the afternoon.

"Oh I have, I am just waiting for the right moment"

"Why don't you get your own life?" Alishaa immediately puts her hand on Nihaal's hand realising she is getting angry and thankfully the older ladies called their attentions. Alishaa looked around as they talked when her eyes saw Faaris, Rashid and Naadir peeking. She almost laughed out loud but stayed calm, but lost it when Rashid pushed Naadir mistakenly and they both fell to the ground.

"What is going on?" Maraam asked the boys

"We- came for Alishaa's recu-" Rashid started saying before Faaris quickly smacked his head from behind.

"We wanted to ask Nihaal for something" He said but was looking at Alishaa who is trying so hard not to laugh.

"I am coming" She said and walked to them laughing too. Alishaa looked at them walking away wanting to follow them but as soon as she met with Maaram's eyes she looked down.

"He looks different" Whispered one of the aunties to Maraam which made her stare more at Alishaa.

"So Alishaa who is your father again?" Asked Madam Noon, her mood died down as she answered.

"He is Mustapha Saleh" She replied

"Did you grow up with him?"

"No, I grew up with my mother and-"

"Left him? Our Arab women don't do that, your mother most really be western huh?"

"My mother is the most Arabian as she can be and as of the leaving I was too young to remember"

The Charming Starlight (On Edit)Where stories live. Discover now