43. Hoodies and Red Dresses

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Chapter 43

Cassandra Campbell felt better. She was no longer the whore of the sophomore class, and there was no more Sebastian in her life. She was single with no intention of mingling. A series of suitors asked her on dates. All of which she declined, of course. She wasn't ready, and no boy in her school invoked the emotions she needed to want them. 

Cassandra didn't want another relationship. She didn't want a repeat of last time. The last time she broke up with Sebastian, she jumped into a new relationship. One she wasn't ready for, that blew up in her face. 

She was happy being single.

Happiness that had been going on for the last month.

She walked down the hall with her head high. Her chest bounced as she walked through the halls in the now much more comfortable February weather. The temperature was set at a cool high sixty, warm enough to abandon her sweatshirts and ugg boots. Now, she wore leggings and t-shirts with a hoodie wrapped tightly around her hip. Her bookbag was slung over her shoulder as she arrived at her eighth period.

She took her seat next to Bree. "Hey Bree," she smiled as she slid into her assigned seat. 

"Hey Cassandra," she commented without glancing at Cassandra. 

Cassandra didn't understand why she liked Bree. There were qualities about Bree that made it hard for people to approach her.  It was something about her monotone voice and straightforwardness that made Cassandra ask her to eat with her at lunch. A request that was met with a shrug and a new lunch partner in return.  Bree had friends, not a lot, enough not to warrant her being considered a nerd.

But she didn't care for them. They were only her friends because they played badminton together. Everyone knew this fact, so it wasn't a big deal when she stopped sitting with them to sit with Cassandra. 

"Guess who's having an amazing day," she smiled.

"I assume you?"

"Yes, and do you wanna know why?"

"Why?" Bree continued to draw an eye on her paper. 

"Because some girl was caught giving felatio under the staircase today, and I am completely out of everyone's train of thought."

"Wow, who was it?"

"Oh, some girl named Tallulah. Dumb name, right? But that doesn't matter. Bree! I'm no longer the whore of the school. Isn't that amazing. I mean, before, people would look at me like I would suck off their boyfriend in the middle of the hallways. Now, that's not the case. No one tightens their hold on their boyfriends when I'm around."

"Good, good. So, what does this mean?"

"I'm home free. I'm single, without a bad rep dragging me through the halls with a great friend," she smiled. "I haven't been this content since...since...ever."

Bree began to write her name on her paper. "I'm glad you're so content, Cassandra. Especially with my jacket around your waist that I want back, by the way." Cassandra eyed the jacket she wore around her waist that she received a week ago from her new friend Bree.

"Oh, this. I'll give it back tomorrow—promise," Cassandra smiled as she went back to her own assignment.

While Cassandra was elated about her newfound life, Sebastian was going through Hell. He stood against his locker and stared at the picture of Cassandra he refused to delete. She was kissing him on the cheek, all while trying to cover her face from the camera. 

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