30. Ice Cream and Showers

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Chapter 30

Saturdays were a favorite among the teenagers of Joan Ark Highschool, especially in the Septemeber heat. Sebastian floated in his pool, the feeling of the cool chlorine water settled his broken heart. The first time the two broke up, Sebastian filled his mind with sex and drugs. Now, sex was no longer an option and drugs only gave him a small escape for his broken heart.

"Sebastian! Are you coming to my softball game?" Olivia yelled to her brother. She was dressed in her softball clothing with her glove held tightly in her hands. She watched as her brother floated in the pool without a care in the world. Shades on, with his chest out for all the neighbors in their second-floor windows, could see.

"Sure, I'll be there, no problem."

"Kay, but it starts in an hour. Make sure you're there before half-time this time."

"No problem, Olivia. Your big brother will come to your softball game."

Olivia took off her shoes and stuck her feet into the pool. She stared at her brother who aimlessly floated in the water. "You've been depressed lately, more so than usual. What's up? Is it about Vicky? Because a few girls at my school heard you two broke up." Vicky was the last thing on his mind. He ran his hands through the tame waters of his pool. He remained silent, his sister stepped out of the pool. "Fine, don't tell me anything."

The back door slammed shut indicating his sister was now gone. He was now alone with the sounds of the croaks of the birds as they flew above him. His skin began to burn soon after, Sebastian dunk his body under the water to cool himself. He pushed back his hair and got out of the water. He went for his freezer to grab the one joy he gave himself other than his usual video game haul or hit of drugs.

An ice cream cone covered in molten chocolate and nuts. An ice cream that Cassandra made him try and he became obsessed within the months that followed. He'd contained himself to one per day but since Cassandra finalized the end of their relationship two turned into four a day. He looked inside the box, none were left. The bit of chocolate goodness that subsided his pain was no longer in the box.

He cursed under his breath, he needed his fix. Sebastian hurried up the stairs and put on a t-shirt, and replaced his swimming trunks for shorts. He grabbed his keys and went for the grocery store. Soon, after his windshield began to be covered with puddles of water. He cursed under his breath, the rain was heavy.

Sebastian pulled to the side, the market wasn't too far from his house. A ten-minute walk, a five-minute drive. He relaxed in his chair, the rain poured too hard for him to want to drive. Albeit, a good driver, he was uncomfortable with driving in such conditions.

He sat in the car until his eyes landed on a girl with long hair who was soaked in the rain. Cassandra crossed her arms, her leg shook to warm her cold body. Her lack of clothing to combat the heat, worked against her in the rain. She cursed under her breath as she watched the cars drive past her stopping her from walking across the street. 

He watched the girl, as she gritted her teeth. Sebastian exited his car, "Cassandra," he called out causing the girl who was wearing an oversized shirt with a white bag in her hand to stop in her tracks. The cars rushing to get out of the rain splashed the two who were a few feet away. Her hair, and clothes seemed to be even more soaked than before. 

It didn't bother her as much as seeing Sebastian face to face after her silent rejection. He sucked in his breath as he looked at her. No matter how much she rejected him, told him she hated him. He still cared for her. 

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