12. Duets and Basketball

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Chapter 12

Cassandra arrived at her locker, she frowned when she saw that Sebastian wasn't there. He usually stood there in his now 5'10 height propped against her locker waiting for her. Sometimes, he had breakfast for them or he was just there to say good morning. But, that day he wasn't there.

Cassandra opened her locker and unloaded all of her books. "Hey Cassandra," a guy said as he walked past her. She turned, "Hey," she smiled. Ever since her performance, this was an ongoing occurrence. People, mostly guys would go out of there way to greet her or talk to her every chance they got. Though this didn't happen when Sebastian was near.

Cassandra straightened her dress and walked to her first class. Cassandra's eyes landed on her desk mate and friend Vicky. Vicky was silently drinking her coffee, her usual dark circles were covered with concealer and foundation. Her newfound love of makeup hid her imperfections that she was insecure about.

Cassandra took her seat, "you're early."

"Yeah," she murmured as she drank her coffee. "I was up all night, and when I saw the sun come up I just got ready for school and came. But enough about me, what happened with Sebastian? Did you call him? Wait, I know you did but what did he say."

Cassandra squirmed in her chair, "well. After he got home, he said his parents invited me to dinner for tonight."

"Well that's good, so I guess you two aren't breaking up then."

Cassandra let out a dry laugh, "Yeah, I guess not." Cassandra called Sebastian last night to talk and he never answered or called her back. This was the first time he did that. Cassandra throughout the day constantly checked her phone for messages from Sebastian. He would have sent her at least ten by noon but not a single one came in.

Cassandra arrived at her choir class. "Hello everyone," Mrs. Whitecotton bellowed to the class. When she spoke, it was if she was harmonizing. 

"Hello, Mrs. Whitecotton," the class responded. Mrs. Whitecotton took a look at her star of the class and frowned. Cassandra's usual chipper mood was replaced with a sadness that could be seen from a mile away. 

"We have our last performance of the year everyone coming up. And the school wants us to do three performances." Cassandra continued to stare at the ground at the news. She would usually perk up when the word performance came out of her teacher's mouth but this time it didn't happen. She wasn't her usual self.

"Three? Are we having a solo and two group performances?"

"Well, you're almost right. We are not having a secound group performance, we are having a  duet," she announced. The class began to chatter to one another. "Cassandra?"

She looked up and stared at her teacher, her eyes were hollow. "Yes?"

"Did you hear me?"

"No," she admitted.

Mrs.Whitecotton pinched the bridge of her nose, "I said we're having a performance and I was just going to announce our performers."

"Oh, sorry. I'm listening."

She sighed, "for the solo performance we're going to have Aki perform." The class looked to one another and began to chatter. They were all wondering the same thing, why isn't Cassandra peforiming. It was an unspoken agreement that she had the best voice. 

"Thank you," Aki smiled.

"Now, for the duet. After taking all of your singing abilities into account. I've decided Cassandra and Phillip will be the ones to sing."

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