31. Classrooms and Pizzas

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Chapter 31

Her body clenched as she was on top of him in the unused classroom. There was nothing between the two teenagers during their sexual escapade. 

She groaned as he was inside of her. She gripped his shoulders, leaving red fingerprints on his shoulders. Her head jerked back, "Sebastian," she groaned.

Sebastian loved to watch her. He loved the look on her face when he was inside of her, pleasuring her like no one had before. Pleasure, a feeling Cassandra only associated with Sebastian. 

The weeks of their adulterous sex filled the hole Sebastian felt with all the other girls. Their emotions came out without any words needed to be spoken. "Cas," he groaned filling her completely. Her face was red as she heaved on top of him.

"Did you-"

"Yeah, I'm sorry," he said as she got off of him.

"I thought I asked for you to stop doing that. It's annoying to clean up, especially when we're at school."

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it much longer."

Sebastian buckled up his pants as Cassandra pulled up her underwear. Her phone began to ring, prompting her to answer it.


"Where are you?" Phillip asked. "I thought we were eating lunch together today? You never came to the lunchroom."

"Oh, I went to the library today. You know that paper for English? Well, I had to do some extra research."

"Well, I'll come over and walk you to class."

"No," she shouted. "No, it's okay. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll see you after school" she blundered out before hanging up. Cassandra leaned against the desk and looked over to Sebastian who was sitting in the chair.

Without fail, every day the two teenagers would indulge in sex. Whether it be Cassandra's house when Phillip or her family weren't home, in the back of his car, or in abandoned classrooms.

Sebastian and Cassandra would have sex. 

"I'm such a horrible person." She put her hands to her face, "I hate myself so much. Why do I keep doing this?" Like clockwork, Cassandra always ended their sexual escapades with a hearty dosage of self-loathing. "This is the last time Sebastian, no more after this. I have a fucking boyfriend."

Sebastian got up from the chair, he stared into her eyes. He placed both of his hands encasing Cassandra. He'd long stop listening to her rants. "After school, no one is going to be home, stay the night with me."

"No," she frowned. Sebastian smiled when the words came out of her mouth. Her first response is always no until she texted him in the dead of the night or puckered her lips when the two were alone. Sex with Sebastian was a never-ending battle in her head of what was right and wrong.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't."

"And why is that?"

"Because I have a boyfriend."

"You didn't seem like you had a boyfriend when you we-"

"Shut up," she muttered.

"You're quite the rider."

"Shut up, I have to take control or I won't finish."

Sebastian cocked his eyebrow, "really?"

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